Page 38 of Breaking Vincent
Fuck it, I think to myself as I walk inside the shop.
The reception area is empty for a second until someone walks through the back. I think I recognize his face, I just can’t think where from.
“Hey man, what can I do for you?”
“I’m not sure to be honest, I just felt like I needed to come in here. Are you an artist?” I ask as I look up at the artwork on the walls, admiring the decorations that are on display.
“Yeah, I’m the tattoo artist. We have a piercer too.” He checks the time on his watch and says, “He should just be finishing his lunch break in the next few minutes if you want to stick around?”
“I think I will, thank you.” I take another good look at his face, confident that I know him.
“You can’t place me, can you?” he asks, eyebrows raised.
I laugh and shake my head, “No, I’m sorry. I thought I recognised you.”
He holds his hand out, and says, “I’m Nate Smith, and you’re David.”
“Uh, yeah?” I answer before letting go of his hand. “Smith? Are you William’s brother?”
He nods his head, “I am. You’ll be coming to mine and Jude’s collaring, won’t you?”
“Ah, bloody hell. That's where I know your face. I've spoken to Jude many times and I guess I must have seen you guys together at the club. William did invite me; his excuse was it would be a great way to make some more friends.”
“Sounds good to me. I do hope you manage to come as a guest, not as a worker. My boy speaks very highly of you and it would mean a lot to him if you were there to show your support.” Nate’s face gets all dreamy and lovey when he speaks about his boyfriend.
And no, I’m not jealous, thank you very much.
“Then I’ll be…” I’m about to finish speaking when the door chimes behind me. I look over just in time to watch the man spill his coffee cup all over the tiled floor.
It’s him. The man from the cafe. And the supermarket. And wherever the fuck else he’s just randomly popped up in the past.
Looking at him more closely than I have previously, I see that he obviously fits in with the aesthetic of a place like this. He's covered in ink and his face is full of metal.
“Shit. Shit. Ow fuck, why does this always happen?” he questions to himself like it's a recurring thing for him to spill his beverages all over the tiled floor.
That's when I piece two and two together. He must be the piercer Nate was talking about.
Like fuck, am I trusting this guy to poke me with a needle? He’d probably do it wrong or inflict more pain just to spite me.
I turn back to Nate who's watching the guy flap about as he tries to mop up the no doubt sticky and creamy drink.
“Uh, I think I’m just going to head out.”
As I turn to walk past the guy on his knees, he stops and looks up to me, “Wait. Are you here for me?”
Unsure if I should be honest or just lie, Nate makes the decision for me. “He is here for a piercing. So, clean up your mess and get back to work.”And then he spins around and walks away into the back room.
“Give me two minutes and I can get you started.”
I make a move to step away again. “No seriously, it's fine. I don't even know what I was thinking.”
“Please, stay. I was hoping to run into you again.”
“What, so you can tease me and hope I’d bite back?”
He shakes his head, “No. I wanted to apologise.”
My head rears back in shock, not what I was expecting him to say.