Page 64 of Breaking Vincent
David shakes his head, “No. Whatever you’re thinking, the answer is no. You aren’t doing it alone, so whatever it is, you either do it with me. Or we go to William.”
I roll my eyes with a huff, “I forgot that I have to take other people’s considerations when in a relationship. But fine, I want to bait Tom. If Bowie won’t put in a complaint and nobody else has reported him, then I’m going to do something about it.”
David isn’t too sure about my idea. After some explaining and scheming, he finally agrees.
“Ok fine, just make sure you have your phone on you and call me if anything goes tits up. If you're in immediate danger, then call out for one of the other Dungeon Masters.”
I lean forward and press my lips to David’s, he responds by shoving his tongue in my mouth. Hands wrap around my neck and drag me harder into the kiss. By the time he pulls back, my head is dizzy and my cock is weeping behind my leather shorts.
I stand up on shaky legs and David delivers a hard smack to my ass, causing me to hiss and stumble.
“Be safe.” I hear him say as I walk towards the doors leading towards the main area of the club.
I look over my shoulder just in time to see him rearrange himself in his pants, I send a flirty wink his way before pushing open the doors.
It's showtime.
I walk straight to the bar and order myself a bottle of water, making idle chit-chat with the stud working the bar. I discreetly search the room to see if I can spot Tom anywhere, but after a few minutes I realise he’s not here.
I pay for my drink and say my goodbyes before walking out of the room. I check the next two levels of the building, but with no luck I’m unable to find him. As I’m just about to give up I hear a small cry from down the hall.
I plaster my back to the wall and slowly peek my head around, making sure to keep myself hidden and what I see makes my blood boil.
Tom is pressing a smaller man to a corner, the younger boy looks to be one of the age-players, from his cute outfit and dummy clipped to his t-shirt. The boy has tears streaming down his face as he struggles to push Tom away from him.
I’m so sorry, little guy,I think to myself as I grab my phone and record the exchange. As much as I want to storm over there and slam my fist into Tom's face, I know that a short video clip may not be enough evidence.
I can’t hear what Tom is saying, but the boy's cries are loud enough and he's shouting the universal safe word, not that Tom cares.
After another minute or so, I stop the recording and slip my phone back into my pocket, before grabbing the door with my hands and slamming it as hard as I can.
A second later, the boy manages to slip free of the hold and runs away. I’m praying to God he doesn’t scream when I grab him. I pull his body towards me and softly slap a hand against his mouth and press my fingers to my lips.
Jesus, he looks terrified.“Listen to me, go to the reception area and find Master David. Tell him I sent you and he’ll look after you. I have a plan to deal with Tom, just please trust me on this, ok?”
The boy nods his head and I let him go. I watch him scurry down the hall towards the reception area.
I wait a few minutes and when Tom starts to walk away, I follow him. Making sure to keep my steps soft and quiet.
Eventually Tom turns the corner and walks to the bathroom.
I grab my phone and send David a text.
Me -I’m about to follow Tom into the ground floor bathroom. I caught him fucking around with a Little, who will probably be with you in a minute. Come to the bathrooms in 5 minutes and bring William. Buzz my phone when you get there, I’ll scream for help x
I wait until David reads my message before slipping my phone in my pocket and make my way into the bathroom.
Tom walks out of the toilet stall just as I walk in. He grunts when he realises it's me.
I walk over to the sinks and slam my fists against the sides. “Fucking prick,” I mumble under my breath as I wipe my hands under my eyes, trying my hardest to force my eyes to start watering.
“What the fuck did you just say to me?” Tom's voice booms behind me.
I make eye contact with him through the mirror. “What?”
“I said, what the fuck did you just say to me?”
I roll my eyes, “I wasn’t talking to you. I was talking about my idiot ex-boyfriend.” I add a loud sniffle, playing the part of being angry and upset.