Page 18 of The Raven's Alpha
"Stupid alpha! He's going to be disgusted by you." My mind reels as I stare at Eddy, trying to process what's happening. He's not talking about me, but rather hurling insults at himself. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the situation. What could have triggeredthis kind of behaviour? I'm torn between wanting to comfort him and wondering what's wrong with him.
As I sit there, frozen in indecision, Eddy growls again, his eyes flashing with a mixture of anger and pain. I let out a startled squeak, my heart racing in response. The sudden noise breaks the spell, he freezes and I'm forced to confront the reality of the situation. Eddy looks lost in his own turmoil. I take a deep breath, trying to calm my racing heart and decide what to do next.
My heart goes out to him as he stands there, his eyes red-rimmed and his face twisted in a mixture of sadness and despair. I don't like seeing my alpha so defeated, and I want to do something to help him.
I hold out my hands to him, hoping he'll take them and let me pull him closer. "Eddy?" I say softly, trying to get his attention.
Eddy's eyes flicker up to mine, but they're dull and sad. He looks like he's been punched in the gut, and I can feel the weight of his emotions bearing down on me. I want to take that pain away, to make him feel better. But instead of coming to me, he lifts a foot to move, then hesitates and stays where he is. My heart sinks, and I'm left feeling helpless and unsure of what to do next.
Standing up, I take a step closer to him, my voice softening as I try to coax him into opening up. "Eddy, come here. What's wrong?" I can feel the desperation in my words, and I'm trying to convey that I'm here for him, no matter what.
His eyes drop, and he looks away, his voice barely above a whisper. "You're going to hate me, Darcy. I messed up and you're going to be disgusted and want nothing to do with me anymore."
My heart skips a beat as I hear the words, and I can feel my emotions warring inside me. I want to help him, to comfort him, but I have no idea what he's talking about.
I take another step closer, trying to get him to look at me. "Eddy, look at me. What did you do?" I'm trying to keep my tone calm andgentle, but I can feel the fear creeping in. What could he have done that would make him think I’d want nothing to do with him?
I have no idea what he thinks he's done so wrong, but it's going to have to be something truly awful to make me think less of him. I've known Eddy as a calm and collected individual, someone who radiates a sense of peace and tranquillity. His presence is something that relaxes my soul, and I know in my heart that he has the potential to be a great alpha.
But right now, he's consumed by self-doubt and despair. I can feel his pain and uncertainty, and it's tearing me apart. I know I have to do something to help him, to prove to him that he's more than this moment of weakness. I take a deep breath and try to calm my own emotions, focusing on the task at hand.
"I don't care what you think you've done, Eddy," I say softly. "I want you to tell me what's going on. What's eating at you so badly?" I try to keep my tone gentle and reassuring, but I can feel the steel beneath my words. I'm not going to let him give up without a fight.
Stepping closer, I let the blanket slip off my shoulders and walk towards him. As I approach Eddy, I can feel my heart racing with anxiety. I'm trying to calm him down, but he's not making it easy. With every step I take, he takes one back, his eyes fixed on me with a mixture of fear and desperation. I can see the tension building in his body, his muscles coiled like a spring ready to snap.
I try to reassure him, raising my hands in front of my chest like I'm showing an abandoned animal that I mean no harm. But from the look in his eyes, I can tell it's not working. He's only seconds away from shifting, and I can feel the air thickening with the anticipation of it.
I reach out to touch him, I can feel his eyes on my hands, his gaze fixed on me like he's trying to read my intentions. His chest is rising and falling with quick, shallow breaths, and I can see the tension inhis body as he struggles to calm down. I take a deep breath and try to speak softly, hoping to reassure him.
"It's okay, Eddy," I say, my voice gentle. "See, watch my hands." I keep my movements slow and deliberate, trying to show him that I'm not a threat.
As I press my hands against his shoulders, Eddy's body stiffens for a moment before he finally relaxes into my touch. His trembling subsides, and he lets out a slow breath as he allows himself to surrender to my hold. I wrap my arms around him, feeling his warmth and his tension as he leans into me.
I hold him close, feeling his heart beating against mine, and try to channel some of my own calm into him. I can feel his anxiety and fear slowly receding, replaced by a sense of trust and vulnerability. For a moment, we just stand there, connected in this way.
Time seems to warp and slow as we stand there, embracing, I'm not sure how long we remain frozen in this moment. I'm lost in the intensity of Eddy's touch. Finally, he breaks the stillness, his hands reach out and grasp my hips. The touch sends a jolt of electricity through my body, and I can't help but shiver at the sudden sensation.
It’s like a spark, igniting a flame of desire within me. My skin feels alive, tingling with the gentle press of his fingers. I feel my heart racing, my breathing quickening, as I try to process the sudden intimacy of the moment.
Pulling Eddy's hands from my hips, I bring them to my face and press a gentle kiss on his knuckles. His eyes lock onto mine, but my gaze falters as I catch the faint scent of... something... on his fingers. My question dies on my lips as I stare at his hands.
I'm no expert, but I know the smell of come when I'm face to face with it. Looking up at Eddy, I see his cheeks have lost the paleness he had from when he first came home, in its place is a flush that creeps up his neck and spreads across his cheeks. His eyes lock onto mine, and I can see the vulnerability there, mixed with a hint ofembarrassment. My heart skips a beat as I realise that we've crossed some kind of boundary – one that's terrifying.
I feel a fire ignite in my belly as I realise what's happened. My face flushes with rage as I take a step back, my eyes blazing with fury. “What exactly have you been up to since I left you at the bakery?” I demand, my voice low and menacing. Before I can pull away fully, Eddy's hand shoots out and wraps around my wrist, holding me back.
“Ugh, fuck it,” Eddy groans, before shoving his hand in his jeans pocket and pulls out a crumpled pair of black lace panties. To be more specific, my black lace panties. The delicate fabric is stretched out and sticky.
My brain is starting to connect the dots, but I want to hear him tell me what he did. “What are you doing with my panties stuffed in your pocket, Eddy?” I ask, as I stroke my hands up and down his chest, making sure to scrape my pointy nails against his nipples.
Eddy's body jerks with a violent shudder, his eyes flashing with guilt as he tries to stammer out an explanation. His chest rises and falls in ragged breaths as he gasps out, “I couldn't help myself, Darcy...'"
I press my hand against his chest, my fingers biting into his skin as I demand, “Tell me!” Eddy's eyes widen in shock as he tries to pull away, but I hold him firm, my grip like a vice. Eddy's gaze darts around the room, searching for an escape route, but I'm having none of it. I take a step closer, my voice firm but controlled as I say, “I want to know what happened.”
His eyes dart back and forth as he tries to gauge my reaction, his words hanging in the air. “I was just trying to put your clothes in a bag,” he says, his voice laced with guilt. I raise an eyebrow at him, silently telling him that's not good enough. “I wasn't snooping, I promise,” he says, his voice trembling slightly.
“I believe you,” I whisper to him, keeping my tone soft and gentle. “Now tell me, grizzly, do you like them? Do you like my pretty panties?” I slide my hand down his chest and Eddy shudders when my fingers touch his skin. His hair is just as soft as I imagined it to be, silky and warm under my fingertips.
“Y-Yeah, Darcy. I really like them,” he stutters, his voice ragged.