Page 108 of Pretty Monsters
"I can enter into all sorts of legal agreements."
I gulp. Teddy's idea. He wants to discuss getting married. "Is that really necessary now? I mean now that you've got immunity and they are investigating my father?"
"Two reasons. One, with your father, it's always best to plan for every contingency. And two, you are mine, and I don't like you having that bastard's last name."
"Let's talk about this when we don't have an audience," I suggest.
He pulls the truck keys out of his pocket. "Good idea. Let's go for a ride."
"Where are we going?" I ask.
He waves his new documents at me and smiles. "I'm getting my license."
* * *
"Where have you two been?You left to get Sin a driver's license almost four hours ago," Lucien demands the second we walk back in the gym.
I fidget. "We had, uh, errands?"
Lucien groans. "Did you stop to screw in the truck?" He holds up his hand. "You know what, don't tell me. The two of you are like rabbits."
Sin chuckles. "You caught us."
His happiness is infectious, and soon I'm laughing too. There's always a counterbalance for us though. I should have known this time would be no different.
Shane rushes out of the back, where a cot and other essentials were set up to hold Jess through her detox. He runs into the office, and I hear keys clacking on the computer.
"God damnit!" he shouts.
"What now?" Sin groans. He takes my hand and leads me toward the office.
Lucien and Ford also hear Shane shouting, and come running around the corner.
"What's the matter?" Ford asks.
"Jess is gone," he says, continuing to flip through the feed.
"What do you mean, she's gone?" Sin asks, a dangerous edge to his voice. "How long?"
"Give me a second, I'm looking." A few more clacks of the keys and he drops his head back. "Shit, she's got about a twenty minute head start."
"How?" Lucien asks, his voice is calmer than Sin's, but only marginally.
"Let's figure out the how after we get her back. If we're lucky she won't have talked to anyone before we do," Teddy interrupts.
"Where would she go?" Lucien asks.
"My guess is where she could score," Ford theorizes.
Sin pinches the bridge of his nose. "Did she take any money from anyone?"
Shane shakes his head. "I've reviewed all the footage, and I don't see her going through any bags or pocketing anything. She just walked right out the fucking door."
Lucien exhales. "Then she probably went back to the club. Even if she can't get on stage, they overlook the girls turning tricks. Those that have a choice at least. She'll either get enough money to buy, or trade sex for drugs. Even that won't be hard, there are a few dealers that hang around."
"Let's go then," Lucien demands. He heads toward the door, but Teddy puts his hand on his chest to stop him.
"If they don't already know she has information on you, they will if you show up there. I can handle this. I know this is a hard concept for you, but you're going to have to trust me," Teddy argues.