Page 109 of Pretty Monsters
"He's right," Sin agrees. "But my face wasn't plastered all over the news. I'm going with you. I'll hang back, but I don't want you going in alone, and let's face it, as competent as Ford and Shane are, they don't have the skill set in case this goes sideways."
Teddy grabs his keys. "We better move then, she's only getting closer to the club every minute we sit here."
* * *
Tired of standingon the sidelines, I do what I can to help. "Everyone pack, just in case. We need to be ready to abandon the gym again."
I can see the argument all the guys are ready to make. "Don't ask me where we'll go. That debate never seems to have an answer. No, we can't live out of a motel, but we can hide out in one if we have to leave in a hurry."
Lucien shakes his head and takes his phone out of his pocket. "I'll call Holbrook and let him know what's going on. Maybe he can at least find us a safe house."
"Has anyone seen Amber and Jen?" Ford asks.
"They weren't in any of the camera footage," Shane replies, looking through the video again.
"They didn't leave with them," Ford points out. "They've got to be here."
Together we move toward the back where Jess was being kept. Anywhere else and they would have shown up on the cameras in the rest of the building.
"There aren't any cameras in the bathroom where Jess was. I saw both Amber and Jen go in, but no one came out," Shane says before we reach the door.
Inside the small, unfinished bathroom both women are unconscious on the floor. A bruise is forming on the side of Amber's head, but more worrisome is the pool of blood under Jen.
"Oh God! No, no, no!" Shane shouts.
Lucien gently pushes Shane back and moves around him. Amber's chest rises and falls, so she's not the most immediate concern. Jen is so still.
Despite the emotionless façade he puts on, even Lucien isn't immune to fear. His fingers shake as he searches for a pulse. It seems to take forever, but it's probably only a few seconds.
"She has a pulse, but it's weak. We need to get her to a hospital, now."
"Should we call an ambulance?" Ford asks.
Lucien shakes his head. "It'll take too long. We need to grab them and go now."
Gently, Shane picks up Jen, and Ford grabs Amber. Lucien slides behind the wheel of the car. Ford's truck only has a single cab, and Shane is driving a sedan. We won't all fit in either vehicle. There's only one choice.
"Ford," I hold my hand out, "give me your keys. I'll follow you there."
"No, Raven," Lucien starts to argue.
"Luce, we don't have time to fight about this. You can drive faster than I can, and they need a doctor now. We won't fit in the same car. Not with Ford and Shane holding Amber and Jen. I'll be right behind you."
It's clear none of them like the idea, but no one presses the issue further. I don't delay, not particularly wanting to be on my own either.
I could count on one hand the number of times I've actually driven. Not that I mention that fact to any of the guys. This is the only option for us, and I'll just have to swallow my anxiety.
The truck roars to life, and I peel out behind them, the back tires fishtailing slightly when I hit a patch of gravel patched parking lot. Squeezing the wheel tight, I get the truck under control and speed up to keep pace with them.
When we pull out onto the road I miss my opening and end up a couple of cars behind them.
"You can do this, Raven."
My knuckles are white from how hard I grip the steering wheel, but I manage to stay in my lane.
"Of course the first time you drive by yourself has to be during rush hour in a major city. Can't do anything part way, can you?" And I'm speaking to myself in the third person.
The car in front of me slows down, and I start to move to the other lane, but another vehicle speeds up, boxing me in. I slam my hand against the wheel.