Page 87 of Perfect Sin
I know there’s a deeper meaning behind his off-handed comment. It makes me feel worse for the way I acted, because I understand it on a level I wish I didn’t. Although, I can’t say the hits I’ve taken were ever guised in the lie of being out of love. He’s also right about Raven’s and my broken pieces fitting together. Perhaps he needs to find someone broken in the same way he is.
“I am also sorry for what happened with Tessa, but I’m also not. You deserve better than her. I hate that I hurt Raven, but I hope maybe something good came out of it. If it keeps you from that vile bitch then it served a purpose.”
He smirks, and I glare at him. “Do not say anything about fucking my wife,” I warn him.
He laughs then, a deep belly laugh that brings tears to his eyes. “At least you didn’t have to see it,” he says when he regains control.
“Thank the lord for small favors,” I grumble. No, I didn’t have to see it, but I heard it and that was bad enough.
“I’d say you proved your point in the gym, so we’re even.”
“That won’t be happening again,” I swear to him.
“Can’t say I long to see your pasty ass again,” he replies.
“This might be the weirdest friendship I’ve ever had,” I mumble.
He rolls his eyes. “We both know this is the only friendship you’ve ever had, so that doesn’t mean shit.”
I shrug. He’s not wrong. Now that the air is mostly cleared, there’s still the matter of what Neville told us to discuss. I’m going to need Ford in our corner if we’re going to come out of this in one piece.
“There’s something else I need to talk to you about. We found Martin Gerrick. I think he’s on our side, but I don’t trust anyone outside of our circle.”
“Understandable. I don’t even trust everyone in our circle,” he comments.
“Holbrook?” I ask.
He nods. “The guy is hiding something. I mean, he’s a fed, so maybe it’s just him doing his job, but I feel like he’s working an angle.”
I copy him and mess with the label on my bottle. “Yeah, something isn’t sitting right with me. The few times I’ve seen him around Damien, he seemed a little too familiar with him. He wouldn’t be the first cop or agent I’ve seen turned.”
I exhale. “There’s so much more going on.” I tell him about how Neville said Damien offered to share Raven with his associates, finding Lucien and Raven’s mom, and the plan to take down a trafficking ring.
“Shit, it’s only been a few days,” he says, and scrubs his hands down his face. “We’re in. Whatever the plan is, we are going to be there.”
I shake my head. “You don’t need to be a part of this shit.”
He glares at me, his hazel eyes flashing like gold fire. “Both you and Raven are important to me. Lucien seems all right and he seems really important to Ted. I protect my friends. I will be there, and I doubt we could keep Ted away. I don’t know how I thought he was a harmless goofball before. That’s one scary motherfucker. I think he might be even scarier than you.”
I smile. “I don’t know if I’d go that far, but he’s definitely a wild card. I wouldn’t want to be on his bad side.”
“I’m no trained killer, but I can hold my own in a fight, and I know how to use a weapon.”
I rub my jaw, the memory of his right hook still very fresh. “That’s true. Shane doesn’t need to be brought into this. He doesn’t have blood on his hands, and I’d like to leave it that way.”
Ford stares ahead for a minute. “He’s not as untouched as you think. The only one of us who hasn’t come up hard is Amber. But, you’re right, he is different than us. He’s strong though, and with Amber being close to Lucien, I think it’s smart if we have the girls watched from now on too.”
“You good going as muscle?” Ford is a big motherfucker. Two hundred pounds of solid muscle, and thanks to football he’s used to taking a hit. Something I should have factored in before I took a swing at him.
“It wouldn’t make sense for Damien’s emissaries to go anywhere without a team. It’ll look more legit if Ted and I are there. I’m sure they’ll know who Ted is anyway. It seems we were the only ones who didn’t know we were living with the prince of the underworld.”
I chuckle. “I’m pretty sure that’s Lucien’s title.”
“They are perfect for each other then,” he says.
The Demon Inside