Page 19 of Southpaw Slots
My head shakes rapidly as I try to compute how this little empress developed such audacity. “Sweet lips, that isnota proposition. Usually, there’s some give and take. You’re just demanding for someoneoutside our marriageto come fuck you when you won’t even let me.”
Pursing that beautiful mouth of hers, she responds, “If he can come over, you can have whoever you want. I-I won’t care.” The muscles of her neck tighten as she swallows and, for a moment, I think I see some vulnerability there.
Women alwayssaythey’ll keep it casual, like they don’t mind that I’m involved with other people, but they always do. This is a fucking trap if I ever heard it.
My stomach turns sour when I think about my wife, the one I was hoping would be something more like a soulmate, requesting someone else to fulfill her needs. Already. Like, two days into our marriage. It’s almost a TKO.
But I’m a fighter.
Crossing my arms, I stare down at the little spitfire. “No.”
Her jaw drops as she gasps. “No? You’re telling meno? I thought youwantedto bring other women over.”
“I don’t want him over here. You’re my wife and I’ll have sex withyou. Besides, empress, I gotta put a baby in you at some point. We have to make this official.”
She mimics my posture, her breasts bouncing up underneath her arms. “No. Not if you’re not going to let him come over.”
“Fine, then I guess we’ll both be celibate.”
Her nostrils flare as she sets her jaw, and pink lights up her olive cheeks. I almost lose my resolve. Fucking hell, she’s even more gorgeous when she’s angry. “Fine. Celibacy it is. I’m sure I won’t have any problems with it. Not like you.”
The corners of my eyes tighten, thinking about that fucking tub of petroleum jelly on my bedside table. Shifting my weight, I lunge at her and place my face in hers, that intoxicating floral scent hitting me in the groin as she inhales quickly. “You come find me when you’re ready for a good dicking down. I’ll fuck that bratty attitude right out of you.”
Glancing down, her erect nipples pierce through the thin fabric of her dress. No bra… Ugh. Before she can see what an effect her body has on me, I sidestep her curvy hip and head out to the pool, trying to adjust my firm erection under my waistband as subtly as possible.
A little vitamin D, some good tunes, and sparkles of the deep blue water is all I need. Stretching out on a lounger, I try to think of anything but a margarita. Fortunately, in about half an hour, a staffmember brings me some juice and water along with a tray of fruit. But before I can finish either, the demon seductress emerges from the back door wearing nothing.
Oh, there’s a little thread of bikini surrounding her absolutely perfect body, but it’s so tiny, she may as well be naked. Even her dark areolas poke around the triangles of hot pink fabric pretending to hide her bosom, her pussy lips clearly visible under the tight bottoms as she waltzes by me in clear stiletto heels. Every sway of her hips causes her big ass to bounce, and my hands itch to spank each cheek until they turn red.
Crooking a forefinger, I stick the knuckle in my mouth and bite down to prevent myself from crying out in desperation. It doesn’t work. The moan just escapes around my hand.
Despite her dark sunglasses and wide-brimmed white hat, I see the edges of her eyes curl as she smiles temptingly at me, strolling right to the bottom of my chair. She slides off a heel and pretends to dip a toe in the water, casting her long, chocolate waves over a shoulder before turning her head to see if I’m watching.
I can’t look away.
Maybe that song, the one about marrying an ugly wife? Maybe it was right, and I just fucked up.
Big time.
The skin on my dick feels raw as it pumps full of blood at the sight of her. I can’t jerk off again, I just can’t. If she asked me to beg right now, Imay give in.
“If you keep staring like that, your eyes may fall out, husband,” she says, her voice a whole octave lower than it normally is.
“You here for your brat treatment?” I ask, palming my cock back into place. There’s no hiding what she’s doing to me. Not in these shorts.
“I’m here to let you know what you’re missing, if you don’t let Wyatt visit.”
Scanning up from her painted toes to her smooth, toned legs over her huge ass and little waist, then glancing at her pristine face, my eyes rake over her without trying to conceal a damn thing. She shivers under my gaze but thrusts a hip out and places a hand on it, biting her bottom lip.
“You seem hot and bothered,” I say, jerking one corner of my mouth up.
“Wha-what? I-I’m not.Youdo.” She points at my crotch and laughs, but her cheeks flush red and not from the heat outside.
Standing, I walk slowly toward her and smirk. “Nah, I thinkyou’rethe one who knows she’s missing out. Let me help you cool off, sweet tits.” I push her into the pool with a light shove. The shriek that pierces the still summer air gives me the biggest smile I’ve had in a long time, and when she splashes around, gasping for air like she’s dramatically drowning in four feet of water, her hair drenched, that big hat floating down to the deep end, I laugh so hard, I almost snort, then turn around to saunter inside.
“You dick!” is all I hear before the back door closes.
By that evening, I’ve stroked myself three more times to the vision ofher. Checking my palm, I scan it for any callouses, but none have formed—yet. Briefly, I consider what Cindy’s doing, or the triplets. But if Max found out, that’d be it. I’d lose my money and possibly my life if the empress told on me.