Page 78 of Southpaw Slots
Cal walks us to the door, but Asa’s already opening it for us. Cal snags his arm, though, and pulls on him until they stare at each other for another long moment. And something happens between them until my husband’s eyes grow glassy. Cal’s hand runs through his hair, and with a husky voice, the fox says, “Come back anytime. I’m serious. And…I’m sorry.”
Asa sticks his tongue in his cheek and glances to where Cal has a hold of him and nods, then pats his friend on the shoulder before we leave.
Once we get inside the Escalade, Asa turns to me and grabs both my hands in his. “This is whatIknow. It’s you, me, and our child against this entire world. I’ll protect you with my life. I never want to be parted from you again. If we need to run, we’ll run. You were brilliant to set that up already, and I love you more forthat. But Arianna, I need some answers from Wyatt. Ihaveto know.”
Nodding, I place all my trust in the broad-shouldered, soft-hearted man in front of me. “So, what do we do now?”
He places his lips against my forehead and breathes against my face.
“We catch him.”
I’m so fucking stupid. Falling in love with Asa Donovan wasnoton the list of things that would keep me alive. Somehow, I’ve got to get back into Ari’s good graces while I’m crazy about her husband. No one can know.
Once Arianna got married to him, that threw a kink in the plan for my legitimate heir unless the baby would end up mine. As far as John knows, it’s still a possibility. But the truth is, likely not. It took an act of the devil to get my secret vasectomy that only the Donovans know about and if the Johns figure out that Ari isnotwith my child…
They aren’t going to like that.
It’s not a problem. They’ll just give me someone else. If I can convince them to allow Ace and Ari to live, maybe promise their child to the trade like my father did with me, they’ll survive.
I shut off the engine before I reach the alley I need, then coast between the buildings so as not to alert bar patrons on the street. I tuck the bike behind a rusted dumpster and head toward the big man wearing a tuxedo and sunglasses. He opens a metal door on the side of the brick, and I head down the stairs.
Through a dark hallway, I enter a dirty office, but my feet halt at the door. The room holds five men in tuxedos and an owl. Painted on the floor, likely in blood, is the symbol of Clavius and Herodius and a lone wooden chair sits in the middle of it as well as a small table. “This looks like an unfortunate party,” I say, narrowing my eyes at each of them. They can’t touch me. They need my blood too badly. And they still think they’ll get my seed in case I don’t cooperate. Even still, my pulse throbs in my neck, making it difficult to swallow.
“Come in, Barrington. Have a seat.” One of the men points to the center of the room.
Trying to sound confident, but coming out strained, I say, “I thought I was just meeting with John.”
“Well, you get more of us.” Despite wearing a mask, I know the one smoking a cigar in the corner from television. He’s a federal politician, and part of me wonders if the nation’s leader is watching, too. I steal glances at the corners of the room for cameras. There are none. That may not be a good thing.
“What do you have to say about theDonovan fiasco?” a John asks, his arms crossing over his chest. Another shoves a Brandy in my hand and I sip it. Hopefully, there’s more to dull my senses completely if this goes south.
Swallowing, I give my thought-out answer. “There’s no need to replace them. Asa will be on board, and that will get his wife on board.”
“And there’s no notion of you having a child with her?”
Licking my lips, I sever the emotional tie that’s bound me for the last year. I’ve prepared myself for this. No more Arianna for me. It’s the only way to save her. “Yes, correct. That’s done with.”
The politician echoes from the dark recess of the room. “And you’resurethe child is not yours.”
I take another sip, nodding. “Yes, I’m positive.”
The owl flaps her cape with a raise of her arms but doesn’t speak.
John asks, “We aren’t pleased with the amount of time you’ve wasted attempting to interrupt their marriage and impregnate the woman. And now that it seems she isnotgoing to have your child…why are you protecting them? Is it that you believe Asa will still support your bid for consort?”
I try to steady my heartbeat as I say firmly, “Absolutely.” The Johns exchange glances, and I interrupt their doubts. “Listen, Strauss’s mistress didn’t tell Arianna anything of importance. It’ll be easily played off. I’ll tell them I’m playing both sides, that I’mfor the peopleand that’s why I need to be made consort. And, yes, before you ask, that I amagainstour primary trade. Asawantsto believe me. I’ve done my duty. He’s in love with me now.”
Schooling my face, I take another sip, washing away even the momentary thought of how much I feel for him. If they know…that will be it for him and Arianna. Iknewgoing into this not to catch feelings. And I did. Ihatethat I love them. All it did was put us all in danger. And I need to leave them to save them. Continuing, I repeat our plans, louder than before, commanding the attention of everyone in the room.
“The Freidenbergs will be under our control the moment they realize Strauss knows of their illegal trade. Fearing for their lives, they’ll comply and want me instated. Cal Von Dovish will need to be taken care of, but this will be easy once he finds out Strauss killed his pregnant wife the week before my bid. And the people will be happy with the new school program that I’ll put in place once I’m made consort.”
It didn’t take me long to become used to being someone’s commodity. At the ripe age of seventeen, my body was so dulled by everyone that had abused it, it wasn’t even my own any longer. So much so my numbness became a badge of honor. Those whoweren’tin the trade seemed beneath me. They weren’t wanted enough by these types of men and women, the ones who rule the country, the world even. Others were cheap and not worth fucking.
And that’s when I knew, to give these societies what they need and to get whatIwant, I came up with a brilliant plan. One to have the children of Gnarled Pine Hollow easily indoctrinated and willing to sacrifice their bodies for the greater good.