Page 79 of Southpaw Slots
It doesn’t bother me in the least. I did it and I turned out well rounded.Nobleeven. I survived. My only desire is to get back in power and obliterate the name of Strauss from the planet. Or itwasmy only dream until I fell in love with the Donovans. Like an idiot. Now, I also need to protect them.
The owl lifts her chin and sniffs the air, then finally speaks. “Well done. The only thing that is left is to grant the Barringtons an heir. Since we didn’t move fast enough in breaking off the Donovan marriage, we have an alternative for you. A wife of your own.”
My stomach twists at this change in plans. I don’t like it and I think about my handgun on my hip. If I use it, the others in here will get to me before I discharge the first bullet, then they’ll just destroy everyone I care about.
Maintaining my cool composure like always, I only arch an eyebrow. “And that is…”
The owl slides in front of me and rests her ass on the edge of the table, then spreads her cape, revealing a very short skirt underneath. Her long legs are bare, and she slides the fabric up to reveal her shaved pussy. With a wave of her head, her cloak falls off, and she grasps her mask and sets it on thetable.
Her age is indescribable. Likely in her forties, but her skin looks like that of a teenager. The reason I know she’s older is because of her eyes. There’s something almost inhuman about them. Black, dark holes that bore into my face until a shiver erupts down my spine. When she speaks, her voice sends a tingle to my balls and, despite not wanting to get aroused by her, it just happens.
“Me.” She curls a long finger underneath my jaw and forces me to look at her sunken cheeks. Her long, black hair spills like ink over her shoulder as she leans forward. “You get the gift of impregnatingme. That’s how much we believe in you, Barrington.”
I can’t say no, I understand this. But it’s still on the tip of my tongue. To add to the utter terror that settles inside my chest, all the Johns stand and move to surround us as a unit. Even the politician. They take up a stance on the edges of the circle that has a hint of iron smell to it. Waving their arms in their ritualistic manor, they then collapse into a tighter formation behind me.
With an overly confident sneer, I say, “But I don’t even know your name.”
She leans back and spreads her legs wide, showcasing her ruddy pussy lips, glistening with wetness. “Amalthea.”
A full body shake almost makes me flee the chair, but a John puts his hand on my shoulder and another forces me to stand. She’s the most dangerous creaturein the room. There’s absolutely no way out of this. But they don’t know I’m shooting blanks.
Her long nails sink into my neck and pull me closer to her core as the Johns on either side of me lower my pants.
“Step out,” one commands. Like on autopilot, I do. Then they remove my T-shirt, boots, everything until I am completely naked…and still flaccid. Two of the men hold up cameras and the other three stand behind me. It’s cold in the room and I shiver.
Amalthea grips one of my thighs and says, “Lift this up and rest it here. For your comfort, darling.” Her black eyes torture me with their incessancy. I do as she instructs, but I’m still not able to function.
A John behind me strokes my back with his bare hand as another pulls out a bottle of lube and opens his pants. “It seems you need help forgetting Mr. Donovan. And we’re all here to give of ourselves to Amalthea. But she needs the original seed inside her.Youare the vessel of Clavius as you were blessed with during your initiation at eighteen.”
I don’t want the memory of that evening to return, but it’s unstoppable. The ax I had to bring down fifty-eight times to slaughter my first love in front of thesegoons. Ironically, her name was Angel. And the worst part was not watching the life leave her body slowly despite me wanting to hurry the entire thing. It was when they forced me to my knees to drink her crimson flood as a symbol of the sacrifices I would need to make along the way.
They’ll make me do the same to Asa and Arianna if they know how much they mean to me.
One of the Johns uses his lubed hand to stroke me to a half chub. The other gets behind me and grips my waist, then whispers, “I like these piercings. I’m sure your new bride will as well. Here, let me help you.” He plays with my balls, pinching a nipple while the other man picks up his pace until I close my eyes and let nature do its job. Just like when I was a kid.
Lifting my leg onto the desk, I line up with Amalthea’s entrance as John holds the base of my dick. The other John slides behind my back and presses a lubed finger in my ass. Sighing, I prepare myself as he enters me with a curled finger, then another as my hips press forward into Amalthea.
“Oh, yes. Those piercings are lovely,” she says, like she’s judging an art show.
“Lean forward more. Let me fuck your beautiful asshole,” the John says. I know what this is. And there’s no stopping it. So I just climb on the desk and spread my thighs under the owl’s and plunge in. John slides his dick inside me, and I work myself inside her and over his length.
“Don’t come until all of us fill you up, or you’re gonna have a rough time,” the John next to me says. I don’t think they have to worry. Keeping hard is going to be the issue.
So I imagine being inside Ari with Ace’s formidable arms surrounding me. After the first John finishes, the next steps up. Fortunately, he’s small and it doesn’t take him long. The third is chubby, his gut smacking my cheeks with every thrust. But I’m not here. I’m inside the safety of my vixen while Ace holds me and makes love to me.
By the time the politician steps behind me, I know I’ve made it through this trial. But he grabs my neck and pulls me back to him after spanking me. “Listen, I want your eyes open. You’re the vessel. Youneedto feel Clavius running through you as you give yourself over to Amalthea.”
With a hard shove, he both thrusts inside with his large cock until it hurts and bends me over the woman’s body. Amalthea raises my face to hers and tears form in my eyes with how rough he’s being. “Kiss me and give me that part of you you’re still holding on to. Let it go, Wyatt Barrington of Clavius.”
Her demon gaze latches onto mine as her lips part and we kiss. She’s intoxicating in some strange way, her flavor like something both familiar and unknown. Dangerous and comfortable at the same time. While the politician’s thick cock hits my prostate, I feel myselfleak inside her slowly and I know he’ll work everything out of me before too long.
His fingers burn as they grip my shoulders, and he continues his assault for what seems like hours. Plundering me as the tears fall from my face onto the black-haired seductress in front of me. She latches her hands around my neck and writhes her hips as if to help milk me inside her. Pressing her forehead to mine, she says, “Are you ready to let them go and give that to me? Purge yourself of the last of your humanity and rise to something supernatural. Your emotions only hold you back from achieving what we have. Give it.”
The politician’s deep grunts let me know he’s ready, and as soon as the last of his hot load fills me, he stands still. “Fuck a baby into her. For Clavius, son of Barrington. You are the vessel. Say it as you fill her.”
A sharp snap hits my ass and I let go. He screams at me, “Say it!”