Page 52 of Lost to the Orcs
But before I can tell her to fuck off, U’s butts in. “No.” He shakes his head. “Jaedason did no’ give permission to use that name.”
She pouts petulantly, her lower lip wobbling in a threat of tears that have suddenly dried up. “But he said I could before.”
“He did no’ now. Jae is for us. His family. His mate. His brothers. No’ you.” He reiterates, his lips pulled back in a snarl. His beautiful tusks on display.
She meekly nods her head. “Of course. I’m sorry, Chieftain of the Mountains. I will keep this in mind whenever you… visit me.” She slowly blinks. I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone deliberately slowly blink. As if they’re in slow motion falling asleep. My eyes narrow at her. How can someone be so blatantly a hussy while trying to somehow seem innocent? Yeah. No.
“That’s settled then. If you would be so kind as to escort her to her room, I would be forever grateful, Narod.” A pained look passes over his features and I’m truly sorry for thrusting her upon him but thankfully he nods and turns to go.
“But–” Sumira begins. “My feet are so tired. I thought I could sit in here, with all of you? Wouldn’t that be nice Arwun?” She smiles over bright. Arawn shakes his head. A dark look flits across her face so fast I’m not entirely sure I didn’t imagine it. “Oh, well, what about you Jaedason? Wouldn’t my company be a good thing to help Aaron getused to me?”
“His name is Arawn.” I growl and her jaw sets like she’s grinding her teeth.
“Well, I don’t know why it isthat.When Jaedason was supposed to name him Umir. Unless, that’s what you named the one who died? Umir is much stronger and more endearing than anything you could have named either of them.” She scowls as if naming them anything else were abhorrent.
“Ti’lask was his name.” I growl once more. “And both are strong and beautiful names if you could just get them right.”
“Well, you can’t blame me for not knowing.” She sniffs as if any of us will give her pity. “I wasn’t around for the naming. My body couldn’t keep them inside for so long and I—I had to let them know to get them before they died. My poor Tirlas.” She starts to sob once more and it takes everything inside of me not to roll my eyes.
With great effort, Jae unclenches his jaw. “No.” He states, answering her question from before. “Arawn said no. We will no’ push him.”
“Well,” She grumbles haughtily, her tears drying spectacularly, “how else is he going to get to know me?”
Sighing, Jae grits, “In his own time. Now, please, go with Narod.”
She smiles prettily. “If you insist, Jae…dason.”
Hani is teaching me how to weave these dried grasses, that were collected during the summer, into baskets. “What are these going to be used for again?” My fingers take the grass and lifts it up to layer one beneath it. I lay it flat before lifting another flat one atop this one.
“Foraging. Well, some will be used for foraging. The bigger ones that Garret is making,” She points to her mate who is slouched on a sort of bed like mattress, with one leg propped up on the other, his hands working through the weaves easily while he practically dozes. “Those will be used for stacking furs away from the ground for those without shelves or for the deeper storage. We also use them for drying, or for clothing, toys, soaps. Just depends.”
“Like the one you made me?” I bump her with my shoulder when I say ‘you’. She giggles, her eyes crinkling at the corners with glee.
I am happy that we’ve moved past out first interaction. Since then, I have searched her out for many reasons. She is familiar even if she isn’t from where I am from. It is nice having someone who isn’t hostile to me like many of the Orc women I’ve met so far.
“Sort of. That one was one of a kind. I was bored and there was damaged seaweed that we couldn’t really use for anything even for eating,” She sticks her tongue at me in a blech sort of face, “so, being bored, I decided to create something. You have to start it when they are still rather wet so that’s why we’re using these dried grassesinstead of seaweed.”
I nod. “Well, this summer you’ll be able to show me.” I use a pinkie nails worth of this putty to paste two ends of a grass together. When it dries it becomes like cement. I continue my weaving.
Her fingers slip and she stares at me agape. “You would do that?”
I blink at her, also pausing in my weaving. “Do what?”
“You’d let me teach you?” She blinks at me in shock. “I mean, more than this?”
I shrug. “Why not? You know something I don’t. Heck, I know you know how to read. I can’t. You could even teach me that.” I didn’t think I could surprise her more. But here I am, staring at a shell shocked Hani. “Hani,” I giggle. “Are you okay?” When she doesn’t respond I snort laugh. “Garret,” I call. His ear twitches but he doesn’t necessarily respond. “I think I broke Hani.” A soft snort before her mostly silent mate comes over. He pokes her and she continues her fish out of water face.
“Och. You did.” He sighs and leans over her before taking a chomp on her shoulder and neck. Hani squeaks before swatting at him. “Fixed.” He chuckles and saunters away.
“I should beat him.” Hani grumbles and I laugh. Which makes her laugh.
“He’s sweet.” I smile.
She hums. “Yeah. He is.”
“So, when is the baby due?”