Page 53 of Lost to the Orcs
“Next Adsen.” I blink at her.Nextwinter? What the hell is that supposed to mean? Like twelve months of pregnant? Who the hell is pregnant for twelve months?! “Like you.”
I choke on air. “Excuse me!?” My words are a squeak of protest.
“Och, no. no. Do no’ make the woman fear Hani.Youare due next Adsen.” I nod sagely of course. He would know. He is an Orc and Orcs must know about this heat thing and– “Sheis due mid-Fen.”
I choke on air again. Hani looks at me like I’ve lost my mind. Her face contorting in concern and if disturbed had a facial expression. Maybe a tad bit of fear. “That’s like in four months!” I gasp.
“No. It’s five.” I blink at the Orc, who is now nonchalantly laying back in his spot like I didn’t almost die because of air.
“That’s half a normal pregnancy!”
Hani laughs. “Mypregnancy is normal. In fact, because it is an Orc I will have the babe early.Normally,I would be pregnant untilafternext Adsen. Likely next Fen.”
I’m going to die because air inhalation. “How is that normal?” I squeak. “Where I come from it’s only nine months!”
Hani’s eyes very nearly bug out. “Only nine? How does a baby develop? Can they even walk?”
“Your babieswalk?!” I hold up both of my hands before she starts talking. “No. Never mind. Don’t tell me. Please. I don’t want to know. I’m overwhelmed as it is.”
“Sunkissed?” U’snar’s sweet voice calls from down the hall. Garret sits upright but continues working. I guess this is his ‘at attention’ stance? I hum for him to know I’m here. He steps into the open doorway and a soft sigh escapes me. Look at him. No shirt. No shoes. Just pants that look like they’re gonna fall off his hips. They’re precariously being held up by a poor flimsy little string barely, if you’d call it a bow. It’s like he made half a bow and gave up. “Ach I see you are alright then. You felt distressed.” He rubs his chest right where I feel his feelings on me.
A light bulb goes off. “Wait a second. I rememberyoudoing that.” I point at Garret. “Isn’t the whole ‘mate’ thing only for people like me? The ones who are in heat?”
All eyes blink at me. “No, Little Lost. Mates are for ’he bond. For those like you, it is stronger. Deeper. But they too can have one.”
Fear seizes me. “Does that meanSHE–” I feel myself start to hyperventilate. No. She can’t have a bond like that with Jae. Wouldn’t I feel him feeling her? I feel like that would be so damn slimy. My breaths hitch and I feel the world pinpointing.
“No. NO.” U’snar pulls me into his arms. “Ach, no Little Lost. Jae did no’ mate her. Only you. Orc’s o’ly mate once. Only you, Little Lost. Only you.” I hiccough, trying to seize my air once more. Trying to get through this panic. In and out. Mom always said. Through your nose and out your mouth. You got this. Holy crap you’ve got this. I clutch at his chest and breath in his earthy scent. Like nuts on trees. “Come. We go pretty mate.” He gathers me into his beloved and strong arms, making our excuses to Hani and Garret before- carrying me to our room where we cuddle until I am calm again.
“I hate this.” I whimper. “I hate her.”
“Donnae hate Little Lost. Takes so much. Too much. Hate fills with bleakness. Dribbles like ink an’ thick like honey. Weel no’ save you. Weel only hinder.” His arms clench tighter around me like a bear hug.
A soft exhalation, almost a snort leaves my nose. “I never knew you were so good with words.”
“Was it no’ my words that trapped you in my arms?”
I laugh, recalling his little lies to chase me. “No. I don’t think so.”
“No’ think so?” He bellows with outrage before rolling me to my back and straddling my thighs. The humongous Orc starts to tickle me. I laugh and shriek and giggle and plead. “No’ think so, Little Lost? My sunkissed. Pretty mate?”
“I give!” I shout. “I give!” this one is a giggle as he stops his wiggling insistent fingers. On a gasp I shout, “You snagged me with your lies!”
U’snar’s mouth gapes wide. “SLANDER!” He shouts, falling off the bed and blowing a big raspberry on my belly. “What say you, Jaedason?”
My head turning to the open doorway I see him standing there. My chieftain. My mate. My Jae, with the most beautiful smile on his face. It stretches his cheeks wide and makes the sun shine through his honey eyes. “Ach, me thinks t’was lies that wooed her heart.”
U’snar feigns indignation. “I told none.”
My mate walks towards me but instead of his sweet citrus scent. All I smell is sour Sumira. I recoil before he touches me. A snarl on my lips. “Don’t touch me.”
Pain lances through his golden eyes, more honey than hardened candy before it passes and he takes a step back, his hands in the air as if to ward me off. “An accident.”
“My ass.” The words are a hiss of fury.
Jaedason grits his mouthful of sharp teeth. Biting back a curse. What does he expect? Me to accept him into my nest, my sanctuary smelling like that? No. Never. I will never do that. Ever. And he damn well knows it.
The rational part of my brain understands that Jaedason didn’t do anything. He didn’t purposefully touch the woman. He didn’t get into contact with her to have her mark him with her sexual scent. Because that is exactly what that is. It’s not a casual walk up and brush. Thatis forgivable. No. This is not an accident. This is bullshit and I want to drag her to the pools again but this time I want to drown her.