Page 21 of The Best Number
I’m just about ready to give a sigh of relief, thinking he’s on his way out, when I hear a noise behind Tom.
“What’s happening? A party in the hallway?” Jack asks as he steps out beside me and Tom. I look him over. He has boxer shorts on and I guess I should be grateful he isn’t butt-naked, but man, could he not have stopped and put some clothes on?
“Hey, I wondered where my robe was!” he says, tugging on the end of the belt tied at my waist. “Who’s this guy?” he asks in a loud whisper, pointing his thumb and tilting his head towards Grant.
“What the hell?” comes Grant’s seething question as he takes in the scene of me standing with the two men. “Two? Really, Cassidy, are you whoring yourself out these days?”
I can't believe he said it, but then I remember this is Grant and feel annoyed that I’m shocked that something like that could come out of his mouth. I still can’t quite believe I married this guy. His true colours came out when he was caught cheating and was annoyed I wasn’t willing to put up with a little infidelity in exchange for a house and security.Fucker.
I can’t help my gasp as Tom sidesteps from behind me. He and Jack take a step in unison in Grant’s direction.
“What the fuck did you just say?” Tom growls as Jack claps his hand down hard on Grant’s shoulder.
“That’s not how we speak to ladies, or any humans, for that matter,” Jack tells him, his voice low and threatening. Grant gives a gulp, seeming to lose his bravado.
“Apologise,” Tom demands.
“Sorry, but come on guys, I’m guessing you don’t know her, but I wouldn’t go there. Although it looks like you already did.”
What the fuck is wrong with this guy? Does he not realise he’s just digging a deeper hole for these guys to bury him in?
“You fucking prick. You might think it’s okay to talk to and about Cassidy like that, but I can assure you it’s not. You are not welcome here. Do not come here again unless you have Cassidy’s permission.” Tom leans forward into Grant’s face as he talks. And Jack still has hold of Grant’s shoulder so he can’t escape.
“Seriously, man, you need help. Fuck off!” Jack gives him a shove.
“2 pm, Cassidy.” Grant turns around and slopes off down the corridor.
The two men watch him all the way to the fire door and then turn around to face me.
“You okay, Cass?” Jack asks, tugging again on the robe belt.
I draw in a breath, trying my best to internally shake off the shame that Grant tried to pile on me. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know he was coming.”
“What are you apologising for, Cass? The guy is clearly a massive dick. Who is he anyway?”
“He’s my ex-husband.” I think Tom had figured it out from what he’d overheard, but clearly Jack hadn’t heard much.
“Ah,” comes Jack’s reply. His gaze flicks from mine to Tom’s and back again. “I’m gonna chuck on some clothes and I’ll go down to the entrance and check he’s left, and the door’s locked, okay?” He jogs into the flat to get dressed.
“Come here, Mac.” Tom sweeps me up in a bear hug.
I breathe in his soothing scent and soak up the comfort he’s offering. “What’s this for?”
“Figured you need it,” he whispers in my ear. “He’s gone, and Jack will make sure the building is safe. Let’s get you inside and get you some pancakes.” He holds his arm around my shoulders as we make our way back in. Jack has pulled on sweats and a t-shirt and is jumping around trying to get his feet in trainers.
“Okay?” he checks as he finally gets them on and heads to the door. He grabs his keys from the hook, pausing to wait for my answer.
“Yes, thank you. I’m sorry.”
“Seriously, Cass, stop apologising. It’ll make me grumpy. I’ll be back in a few. Don’t eat all the pancakes while I’m gone.”
Tom pulls me with him into the kitchen and hoists me up onto the kitchen counter. His fingertips brush the tendrils of hairescaping from my messy bun behind my ears as he gives me an easy grin.
“What do you want on your pancakes?”
Once Jack returns, we sit up at the breakfast bar eating delicious fluffy pancakes with bananas, blueberries, and syrup.
“Do you want to talk about it, Mac?” Tom probes gently.