Page 24 of The Best Number
“It’s early, but this city never sleeps, Jack.”
“How’s NYC? How’s the job?”
“NYC is crazy good, man. Loving every minute. And the job is full on but amazing. That’s why I’m ringing actually…”
“Oh, yeah?”
“They’re looking for someone else. I remembered how excited you were for me. And the areas of expertise they’re looking for fit with you. What do you think? Something you’d be keen to do?”
I pause for a moment to think about it. Seeing more of the world had always been a dream of mine. And New York is at the top of my bucket list. I take a deep breath before answering, “Yeah, I think I would. How does the process work?”
“At the moment, they’ve put out a message internally asking for us to give any recommendations for people we know who might work. Can you put together a brief one-page resume with the highlights and your contact details and email it to me? I’ll forward it to my boss with an extra helping of praise.”
“Sure. I’m just out, but I can do it later today. That okay?”
“All good. I think they’ve got a few recommendations already, so it’s not guaranteed, but it’s worth a shot, right?”
We chat a while longer—him telling me about the sports events and crazy parties he’s been attending since he arrived a couple of months ago. The more he tells me, the more I realise I want this. I wish him well and promise to get my details through to him later.
I let myself into the flat, which is usually my safe haven. But there’s still the sweet scent of Cassidy’s perfume mingled withTom’s woodsy aftershave. And now, it feels empty without them. I wish I could be the kind of person that dives into a relationship, but I’ve been burnt in the past and decided that it’s safer to keep it casual.
I drop my gym bag by the door and decide to distract myself from the memories of last night. I make a giant protein shake and quickly pull together a summary of my CV to send to Duncan, so he knows I’m keen.
Once that’s done, I strip off my sweaty gear as I make my way through to the bathroom. The bed has been neatly made. I sure as hell didn’t do it and I wonder if it was Cass or Tom.Definitely Tom, I decide. The guy is a neat freak and can’t leave an unmade bed alone to save himself.
Dammit, given my wish to keep things casual, I’m starting to wonder if I’m kidding myself.I know Tom, I’m getting to know Cassidy.Where is this going? Is it time to get over myself and my desire to stay single and accept that this thing with Tom is no longer a casual hook-up? But how does that work with my potential plans to work overseas?
I step into the shower and let the water rain down over me. Bracing my hands against the shower wall, I tip my chin forward and feel the heated spray run down my back. There’s some stiffness in the muscles I’ve overworked at the gym and I think about doing some stretching or getting the foam roller out.
See.I don’t have to think about them.Of course, as soon as that thought enters my head, so do all the images from last night. How amazing it had felt to go down on Cassidy while Tom fucked me. The sounds we’d all made as we worked our way to orgasm. Those animalistic groans from Cass when I’d expected her to sigh like an angel. I look down to see my cock starting to stiffen.For fuck’s sake. Surely last night and the exhaustion from the gym is enough to give it a rest for the day, but clearly not.
I take myself in hand and rub my dick as I remember more of last night. It’s the image of Cassidy and I laying down on each side of Tom that is forefront in my mind as my cum paints the shower wall.
It’s not as good as having them here with me.I clean up, then get out of the shower and roughly dry myself. I walk, naked, to the kitchen and pour a glass of water, gulping it down. Then I head back to my bedroom, draw back the covers, and throw myself down on the bed in frustration. Thank fuck I’ve just come, because had I not, the smell of Cass and Tom on the sheets would likely make me hard. As it is, I am so tired I can’t keep my eyes open and soon fall asleep.
I wake up disorientated and glance over at the clock to see that it’s just after 4 pm.Shit, I’ve slept for almost two hours.I must have needed it.I wipe my hand over my face and look out the window at the blue skies, making me regret that I’ve slept most of the afternoon away.
My phone vibrates with an incoming message. I usually keep it on silent and have barely glanced at it since sending my CV to Duncan earlier. I look around and see that I left it on the bedside cabinet on the other side of the bed. I’m surprised to find I’m huddled up on one side when usually I like to starfish in the middle. I crawl across the wide mattress and grab my phone before sitting back against the headboard.
There’s a reply from Duncan, acknowledging the document I’d sent through. And then under that—thirteen messages.What the fuck?I swipe up and realise that Tom and Cass have started a group chat. I smirk when I see the group name and wonder which one of them came up with ‘three is the *best* number’.
I read through the messages…
Tom: Hey losers - how’s it going?
Cassidy: Hey Tom, just off the phone with my ex *eye roll emoji* What a massive twat.
Tom: I hope he’s not giving you too much trouble. Here if you need to vent x
Cassidy: Thanks Tom *kiss emoji*. We just needed to talk about the divorce papers. I think I’ve convinced him to agree to a joint application to make it quicker. He seems just as eager to get rid of me now as I am to get rid of him.
Tom: Definitely sounds like you’re well shot of him. How’s the writing going?
Cassidy: It’s going fast - I’ve written about 8,000 words since I left. Shit, is that the time? I better have some lunch!
Tom: Mac - you need to take care of yourself. Go have some lunch and report back once you’ve taken a break x
Cassidy: Yes, sir! *Salute emoji*