Page 25 of The Best Number
I don’t even try to muffle my laugh at Tom’s bossiness and Cassidy’s sass. The man is a fiend for aftercare. And even if he’s not there to give it, he’s still determined to make sure Cassidyis taken care of. There’s a break between messages for a while where I assume Cassidy followed Tom’s orders.
Cassidy: (attached photo of big salad and a big glass of water) How’s this, sir? Can I go back to work now?
I can hear her sass even though it’s all written text.
Tom: Good girl. Yes, you can. I won’t disturb you. No idea where Jack is though and when he’ll chime into the convo.
Another break and then…
Cassidy: Wowsers - 800 words in half an hour. All because you called me a good girl, and it fueled me! *Laughing emoji* *swooning GIF*
Tom: Well done, baby girl. Do you want me to give you some more accountability? *raised eyebrows GIF*
Cassidy: Yes please, sir. I’ll report back in half an hour with my word count. *Furiously typing GIF*
I glance at the clock again and see that the thirty minutes is almost up. I decide not to reply just yet as I don’t want to interrupt Cass if she’s in the writing flow. I scroll Instagram for a while and a few minutes later, the group chat lights up again.
Cassidy: Another 750 words! This girl is on fire *flame emoji*. I might have to rope you into this more often Tom *laughing emoji*
I can see ‘Tom is typing…’ across the top of the screen and try to get in there first.
Me: *Hot stud has entered the chat* *Henry Cavill winking GIF*
Cassidy: Jack! Hey!
Tom: I wondered where you were… busy having a wank? *Laughing emoji, splash emoji*
Cassidy: *Jennifer Lawrence spits milk GIF*
Me: Actually, I was sleeping… after wanking earlier of course *wink emoji*
Cassidy: You’re insatiable! How did you have any left in the tank after last night?
Tom: Cassidy - you have no idea. He’s an animal *Muppets animal GIF*
Me: I’m a highly sexualised creature. You’re just jealous because you can’t keep up.
Tom: Er, get your facts straight. Neither Cassidy or I had problems keeping up with you last night, dude.
Cassidy: Guys, can I just copy this chat into my manuscript and save myself coming up with the chatty banter? *Praying hands emoji*
Me: Sure thing, doll. I don’t think you could make up someone as charming and witty as me. May as well take it straight from the source.
Tom: *Marlon Brando eye roll GIF*
Cassidy: I’m going back in - if I can get another 500 or so words, that’s 10k today and I think I’ll call it a day.
Tom: I’ll expect your report back in half hour.
Cassidy: *salute GIF*
I realise I’m smiling down at my phone and roll my eyes.This pair. What are they like?I’m about to get up and find something to wear when a direct message from Tom pops up.
Tom: How was the gym? Did you work out your mood?
Man, he’s good at calling me out on my nonsense. It amuses and infuriates me in equal measure.
Me: It was good. I went hard. And I don’t know what you mean about a mood. *Smirk emoji*