Page 37 of The Best Number
He nods and carefully moves up, chuckling when I don’t ease my grip on his erection. He sits on the bed beside Jack, giving me space to kneel. One hand grips my chin, and the other reaches the nape of my neck and massages gently.Hmm, that feels good.
I take him in my mouth again. He doesn’t push my head or move his hips. He lets me set the pace and the depth. I feel like he’s enjoying this, but I haven’t driven him wild yet. I double my efforts, keen to get him riled up.
I stroke his legs, scraping my nails along his inner thighs, tugging gently on his balls, all whilst working his cock with my mouth. His groans and encouraging noises indicate he’s enjoying all my tongue action, so I make sure to flick it teasingly.
I inwardly smile when his hips begin to move, and his hands grip my head a little tighter. I look up through my lashes to find them both watching me, which sends a rush of excitement between my already slick thighs.
“She’s good at that, huh?” Jack asks Tom with a nudge of his shoulder.
“Mmm,” comes Tom’s response.
Jack begins running his hand up Tom’s thigh, squeezing and kneading his firm quads. Jack whispers something in Tom’s ear and while I can’t quite make out what he says, it clearly has an effect, and his already engorged cock swells between my lips.
“That’s it, Cass. Keep flicking that delicious little tongue while he fucks your mouth. He’s close.”
I moan at the encouragement and keep going until Tom grips me tighter. He lets out a raspy growl as his hot cum paints my tongue and the back of my mouth.
I clean him up, his thumb stroking my face as he watches me with a look of contentment in his eyes.
“Best lunch break ever,” Jack declares. We all laugh. It’s really has been pretty fucking amazing.
I’m supposed to be writing but my mind keeps wandering with the memories of yesterday. Once we’d all come, we laid in a bigcuddle pile, which was a lovely way to chill out after all the fun and games. I felt a little sad when it was Tom that moved to leave first. He gave Jack and me a big kiss each before untangling himself to get dressed. Jack had teased about having me all to himself and rolled on top of me, both of us laughing. Tom had smacked him hard on the arse for that. And I could tell from the spark in his eyes that Jack had enjoyed it. I was curious about that and made a mental note to ask them about how they like to play. I wouldn’t mind getting spanked by Tom if he enjoyed it.
We’d all agreed to meet up on Saturday for brunch and make more plans from there. After the guys had left, I wrote loads in a relatively short space of time. The threesome story is coming together now. Although one of the characters is doing his own thing and not following the plot notes I wrote out at the beginning.
I sigh and wonder if that’s maybe why the words aren’t flowing as well today; I’m so distracted. I need to work on my plot before I can carry on. Using my rainbow collection of Post Its, I start marking down what’s happened so far and compare that to the outline I’d written previously. Then I sit for a moment and think about what I want to happen next.
I smack my forehead as I realise what’s happening.Bloody Jack!One of my male characters is becoming more like him with every page. That won’t do. Yes, I got together with Tom and Jack for inspiration, but I didn’t intend to write about our relationship. I’m writing fiction here. It’s fine when characters pick up bits and pieces of people I know in real life but not their whole personality.
I fire off a text to our group chat.
Me: Anyone else feeling distracted today?
I look at the time and see that it’s almost lunchtime. Usually, Tom is awake by now and Jack is heading to the gym.
Tom the Dom: Busy daydreaming about us?
Me: I’ve realised that one of you has pushed their way into my head and the book I’m writing.
Tom the Dom: *laughing emoji*I can hazard a guess about who that is! (Photo of Jack poking his tongue out)
Me: Yep, how did you know?
Jack: Cass, I’m flattered. I always knew I was meant to be famous *winking face emoji*
Me: Yeah, but it’s supposed to be fiction. I’m not supposed to be taking everything you say and do and putting it on the page. You’re just supposed to be for inspiration.
Tom the Dom: Perhaps we need to put him in his place in real life and that will sort his book version out *winky face emoji*
Jack: *scowl GIF* What do you mean?
Tom the Dom: You’re a brat, Jack. Perhaps we need to spank that out of you and see if it helps Cassidy’s book character behave himself.
Me: *raised eyebrows emoji* I’m listening…
Jack: Tom, if you’re desperate to spank me - you know I’m not going to refuse you. I enjoy it. You enjoy it. And I have a strange feeling that our dirty little Cass will enjoy watching and maybe even giving me a spank too *winking face emoji*. Let’s not pretend it’s for the good of Cass’s book *tongue out emoji*
Tom the Dom: Touché, Mr Trent. You know I love punishing you. Let’s do that soon. You were quite the brat yesterday, forcing your dick between Cass and I when we were kissing. *Stern face GIF*