Page 38 of The Best Number
Jack: Shocked I got away with it to be honest. Still don't know why you let that go. *Crying-laughing face emoji*
Tom the Dom: I think it’s fair to say we were all caught up in the moment.
Tom the Dom: I actually have some work to do this afternoon so I might be quiet. Cassidy - I trust you to keep Jack in line and make sure he behaves.
Me: That’s a very tall ask but I’ll see what I can do. Catch ya later, gorgeous *kiss emoji*
Jack: I’ve just got to the gym, so I’ll be quiet too. Hope your book sorts itself out Cass *smiley emoji*
I put my phone down to get stuck back into my plotting brainstorm, a smile on my face. This thing between the threeof us feels right, and I wasn’t expecting that. I couldn’t imagine being with one of them and not the other.
Chapter seventeen
As the weekend approaches, I’m excited to spend time with the guys again. We’ve not seen each other since our lunchtime rendezvous and it’s felt like a bit of a drag, if I’m honest. The group chat fires up on and off throughout the week, but I’m keen to catch up with the guys on Saturday at brunch.
My plotting session the other day seemed to help, and the words have been flowing once more. I’m about halfway through the book now and have spent most of the morning writing a big sex scene. I’m trying to build in lots of emotion and feeling into it so it’s not just the characters boinking. I love this part of my job. I love writing, but I really love building the relationships that lead to the happy ending. There’s also a sick delight in all the angst I put my characters through.
I’m wondering about taking a break for lunch when there’s a knock at my door. I make my way over to peep through the spyhole and see Jack standing there, looking smart, with hislaptop bag slung over his shoulder. I unlock the bolt and pull the door wide with a big smile on my face.
“Someone looks pleased to see me.” He kisses me briefly on the lips.
“This is a nice surprise.”
“I had a meeting over this side of town so decided to work from home after, to save going back to the office. How’s the writing going?” he asks as he leans on the doorjamb.
“Do you want to come in?” I ask. He looks at his watch and grimaces.
“I’ve got a call to join in fifteen minutes, but I was knocking to see how you are and if you wanna catch up tonight?”
“I’m good. The writing is good. And tonight sounds good.” I pause, then ask, “Just us?”
“Tom’s working until late. But I’ll be free anytime after my last call, which finishes around 5 pm. What do you say?”
Just Jack and I together?“I’d like that. What are your plans for dinner?”
He scratches his chin. “I hadn’t thought that far ahead.”
“I was planning to order takeaway. Do you want to join me? It’ll be just like old times.”
“That sounds fab. What time?”
“How about you come over at 6 pm? We can decide what we want and order from there.”
“Sounds great.” He smiles and leans in to kiss me again. This time he lingers, one of his hands caressing the back of my head while he pushes his tongue against the seam of my lips. I groan, letting him in, enjoying how he plunders my mouth until he eventually pulls away. We blink at each other.
“That’s quite helpful, as I’m writing a sex scene at the moment and you just got me all fired up,” I tell him with a breathy sigh. His eyes sparkle as he gives me another peck before backing away.
“6 pm. I’ll see you then. You can tell me all about your sex scene. I look forward to it.”
Jack is prompt. I hear him banging on the door just before 6 pm. I mosey over, pulling it open wide, gesturing for him to step inside. He’s carrying a four pack of bottled IPA beers and holds them up to show me.
“How do you feel about beer? I know you normally drink wine, but someone recommended these.”
I wrinkle my nose. “I’m not usually a beer drinker, but I’ll give them a go.”
He makes his way in and puts the beers down on the coffee table. “So, what shall we order for dinner?” he asks as I close the door.