Page 88 of Wings of Death
His fingers are rough against my skin as he pulls at the gown, fastening the small buttons together from the top down. He lingers when he reaches my lower back, tracing his calloused fingers across my skin, and I fight the urge to throat punch him.
Once he’s fastened the last button, I spin around to face him. My entire body is shaking as I stare at him, trying desperately to hide my fear.
He stares down at me through dark, hooded eyes and licks his bottom lip. “All done.”
I swallow hard. “Please leave. I’m not ready yet, and I don’t require an escort.”
His lips twitch. “You don’t think we take orders from you now, do you? It was Amaros who requested that we escort you. We will wait outside.”
I wait till they’re gone before I show the anger I am feeling, slamming my fist against the wall. How dare he. Just because my father instructed Amaros to be my guard didn’t give him the right to bail out and instead send these creeps to do his job.
I storm across the room and catch myself in the full-length mirror, and gasp. I look so much like her. My mother. A warmth settles inside me, helping to calm me as I finish getting myself ready. I tie my hair in a high ponytail and plait it in a long braid over one shoulder, then apply some makeup. When I’m done, the green of my eyes appears more vibrant, and I fasten a gold necklace with green stones around my neck.
There’s a knock at the door, and I reluctantly answer it to find the creepy twins waiting for me. My stomach turns at the way they look me over. I tell them to give me a minute, then slam the door, remembering I forgot my daggers. There is no way I’m going anywhere with those two without my daggers. After I havestrapped them to my thighs, I open the door once more, ignoring them both as I move past and head down the corridor.
Rimel hurries to catch up and grabs my wrist. “Not so fast, Zarla. I will lead the way.”
I yank my hand back, and he walks ahead as Yimel lingers behind me.
It takes a good five minutes to reach the Great Hall, and when we do, I immediately spot Hethenos. She eyes me suspiciously as we approach, and I try to contain my anger. Seeing her after everything I have learnt is difficult, and I have to force myself not to give away how angry I am with her.
“Zarla,” she says, “both twins, I see.” Her attention shifts to the twins as frustration twists at her features, and she arches a brow at them. “Harlum told me that the two of you would escortmeto the ball.”
Not feeling like listening to this nonsense, I sidestep her and head into the ball, thankful that the two creeps don’t follow me in. I spot Lissian talking with a group of females, and once her eyes meet mine, she drops the conversation and hurries to my side with her arms stretched out wide.
“Oh my, Zarla, you look exquisite. And that dress. Absolute perfection, my dear,” she says before glancing over my shoulder to Hethenos. “Well done, Zarla. That can’t have been easy.”
I shoot her a tight-lipped smile. “Thanks.”
My focus shifts to the other angels nearby, and I pick at my fingernails, feeling suddenly self-conscious that most angels in the near vicinity are staring at me. Great. The last thing I want is to be the centre of attention right now.
“Ah, Amaros.” Lissian smiles, and I just about pull a muscle in my neck from turning so fast.
He laughs as he approaches, wearing a sleek black tux, white shirt, and white tie. He looks good. I glance away, trying not to stare.
As my father’s first guard, and of course mine for now, Amaros is head of security for the ball. Because there will be plenty of guards around, he’s able to attend the ball personally.
“May I have a moment with Zarla?” he asks, placing his hand on the small of my back.
The feeling ignites something inside me, and I quickly step away from him to break the contact.
Lissian narrows her eyes at us. “Sure. I’ll find you later, Zarla,” she says and then leaves us to it.
I fold my arms across my chest.
“Are you mad at me?” he asks once we’re alone.
“Yes, but mostly because you sent the creepy twins to my quarters. I don’t like them, Amaros, nor do I trust them, and I certainly don’t feel comfortable being alone with them in my room.”
He grits his teeth as his nostrils flare. “They went inside your quarters?”
“Yes. And I didn’t like it, and I didn’t even allow it. Rimel wouldn’t take no for an answer and insisted he help fasten my dress.” I glance around to see several angels watching us, chatting in hushed voices.
“I’m sorry. I will have a word with them,” he says as his gaze drops to my dress. “You look stunning, by the way.”
I hold my hand up, ignoring his compliment. “Fine. But let them know that they are not to go near me or my quarters again. Next time, I will use my powers to defend myself.”
I storm away from him and the audience we gathered then head over to the bar to get a drink. It’s crowded with angels who just witnessed my little scuffle with Amaros, but I pretend not to notice or care and instead order a drink. The keeper slides a bubbly over to me, and I take it then move across the room to a far corner with a small empty standing table.