Page 89 of Wings of Death
My focus shifts to the decorations, which never cease to amaze me. Lavish displays of dried leaves and flowers decorate the Great Hall, and angels fly above in a coordinated dance near the impossibly high ceilings. A band is playing on a stage in the centre of the dance floor, and there are angels dancing together to the slow music. It’s quite beautiful.
Whoever is responsible for these decorations is truly talented.
I’m halfway through my drink when I spot Kastal and Nethelia Kallis heading my way. Finlay’s parents.
Gods above, I had been so caught up in everything that happened with my mother and then Amaros that Finlay’s sentencing completely slipped my mind. Our bond is well and truly severed now, and I know without a doubt he will be down on Earth, living as a human without a clue who he really is.
“Zarla,” Kastal greets me, and his wife gives me a small smile that doesn’t touch her eyes.
I don’t think I’ve ever heard her speak. I notice deep bruising on her neck that she’s trying to hide with her hair. The rumours about his violence toward her seem more plausible now than ever before, and I pretend not to notice.
“Mr. Kallis,” I reply, “I am sorry about Finlay. He didn’t deserve it.”
Nethelia glares at me as unshed tears spill down her cheeks. “No, he did not. And you could’ve done something about it, but you chose to remain silent and not give testimony. You should be ashamed of yourself.”
Kastal roughly grabs her upper arm and whispers something in her ear, and she leaves. “I’m sorry about that.”
My eyes widen, and I shake my head. “No need to apologise. She’s right. Sort of.”
Crap. I shouldn’t have said that last bit.
“Sort of?” he says, settling his forearms on the small round stable I’m standing at.
I need to be careful with my words. The last thing I want to do is piss him off, a high-ranking angel on The Throne, and a violent one at that.
“Finlay had his demons,” I say, “but for the most part, he was a good second. I don’t know why he brought watchers down to Earth to attack Kyle and me, but I don’t think it was his own doing.”
Understanding crosses his features, and he runs a hand over his blond hair, smoothing it to the side. “And you feel whoever was involved would have been at the sentencing, and so you needed to remain silent.”
I nod. As difficult as it was to allow this to happen to Finlay, what choice did I have? All I can do now is let his father know about my suspicions, and do my best to figure out what happened. Whoever is behind this is still out there, and their motives are a serious threat, not just to Kyle and me, but to our entire Kingdom.
“Thank you for letting me know. I am a powerful angel, Zarla. There are few who would dare to cross me.”
He is right, which only makes my suspicions even more dangerous. It has to be an angel even higher than he. Someone who has little to lose.
I scan the angels in the hall and settle on Hethenos. As if sensing it, her eyes meet mine, and I quickly look away before Kastal notices.
If Hethenos truly is behind all of this, what better way to silence both Kyle and me than to get to my second and use something against him to force his hand? To force him to do her dirty work? With Finlay’s reputation, no one would question it. And no one has. It makes sense to every angel in our Kingdom that Finlay turned on me. It’s in his nature.
I remember Kastal is still at my side and take another sip of my drink, masking my conclusions.
He raps his knuckles on the table as he straightens up to leave. “I trust you will let me know if you can think of anything else that would be helpful. I think we both know Finlay may have been a spoilt brat, but he was no killer. He did not act alone.”
I brush my hands down my dress, smoothing out the non-existent creases. “I will.”
He leaves me, and I finish my bubbly as angels chatter amongst themselves, no doubt crafting up ludicrous stories about Kastal and me, Amaros and me, and whatever else they can concoct.
I am thankful Kastal doesn’t blame me for what has happened to his son, and I feel hopeful knowing he is somewhat on my side.
I jump as Demetros appears next to me, and I pull him in for a hug.
“Didn’t mean to scare you,” he says.
My lips tug into a wide smile, and I realise just how much I need a friend right now.
“What was that about?”
I shake my head. “Finlay,” I say as I glance around. “Where’s Lacinda?”