Page 90 of Wings of Death
He leans against the table and slips his other hand into his pocket. “She’s my second, remember? She had to stay down on Earth with all the other seconds who are down there tonight,” he says, looking around the room.
He’s more right than I think he meant to be. Seeing my expression, he realises what he’s said.
“I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking. How you holding up?”
Tears well in my eyes, and I look at him. “This well,” I say, laughing a little. “Finlay didn’t deserve that.”
He reaches his hand out. “Come dance with me. You look like you could use a little fun.”
I wipe underneath my eyes, trying my best not to smudge my makeup, and place my hand in his. “Is it that obvious?”
He squints his eyes at me and pinches his fingers in the air. “Just a bit.”
Demetros leads me over to the dance floor, and I rest my head against his chest as he slowly moves us to the music. I feel as though I’m being watched, and when I look up, I spot Amaros staring at me from across the room. He doesn’t look impressed. Too bad. I can dance with whoever I damn well please.
And then I spot Astelle heading for him in a tight, red lacy dress that grazes her ankles. It’s strapless, highlighting her cleavage, and I have to admit she looks stunning. She greets Amaros with a kiss on his cheek, and he snakes his arm around her waist, leading her to the dance floor.
That pang of jealousy returns, and I shove it back down. I will not be jealous of the two of them together. Amaros can do whatever he likes. It’s not my concern.
His eyes meet mine, and I can see from his expression that he would rather it were me pressed up against him.
And then it dawns on me that there’s something I have been meaning to ask Demetros about.
“So,” I say, refocusing my attention on him, “what’s going on with you and Lacinda?”
He looks down at me, his forehead creased into a frown as if he has no clue what I am referring to.
“Come on. I’m not blind. I see the way the two of you look at one another.”
He breaks eye contact and takes a deep breath, moving us across the dance floor to an area with fewer angels to eavesdrop on our conversation.
“Is it really that obvious?” he asks.
I laugh. “Yes, to me, at least. So, what’s the deal, then?”
His expression shifts, and happiness floods his features. “We’re together,” he says, before quickly adding, “secretly, for now, so don’t say a word.”
I break contact as I leap with excitement, and he grabs my hands again.
“Sorry,” I say.
“We’re both happy. It’s just…my parents can be difficult. They have expectations of me.”
Is he seriously referring to the fact that she’s a second? Because that shouldn’t matter one bit.
“Don’t give me that look. You know damn well it matters, especially when you’re from a high-class angel family. But don’t for a second think it bothers me, because it doesn’t.”
I arch my brows and nod, shocked but also impressed at how quickly he’s willing to defend their relationship, even to me. “Hey, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to imply anything. And I do understand. Kyle is from our enemy Kingdom. That’s like the pinnacle of being frowned upon.”
He gives me a cheeky smirk. “Looks like we’re just a couple of rebels, then, huh?”
I laugh as Amaros and Astelle dance toward us.
“May I cut in?” Amaros asks, and Astelle shoots him a death stare.
Demetros looks at me in question, but when I don’t respond, he passes me off to Amaros, takes Astelle’s reluctant hands, and twirls her away across the dance floor.
Amaros places his hand on my lower back and tugs me close against him just as the music switches to a faster tune. All the angels form a circle around the dance floor facing their partner and dance to our Kingdom’s most beloved dance. Amaros spins me around him in a circle, then takes my hands and leads mequickly across the dance floor before I am handed off to the male angel next to me.