Page 10 of Wings of Betrayal
“Like one of us. Well, not really, actually. It looked dead with grey, flaking skin, straggly hair, and white wings, sparsely covered in feathers. It had these milky-coloured eyes and sharp, long, black claws. By the gods, it was creepy,” I explain. “Oh, and its wings were bloody.”
Amaros takes several steps forward until he’s standing next to Harlum.
“It’s not possible,” Harlum says, his voice laced with shock.
I knit my brows together. “What do you mean?”
He and Amaros share a look that can only be described as mutual understanding.
“It sounds like a lost one,” Harlum says. “But they are safely trapped within the Realm of Lost Souls and cannot escape.”
Amaros runs a hand through his hair, and Harlum paces the floor before us.
“Well, they obviously can get out, because it did. I saw one in Zarquon, and as I said, one outside Galespo that chased me back here before disappearing.”
I knew this was going to be bad, but their reactions make everything so much worse. There’s more to this than they’re letting on. This is bad. Like, really bad.
“Give me a moment,” Harlum says before storming back into the meeting room.
Once he’s gone, Amaros steps in closer to me, and I look up to meet his angry glare.
“You ventured out of the Kingdom, yet again, after I made it clear you weren’t to leave.”
I take in a deep breath and blow it out as my blood begins to boil. “Excuse me? You don’t own me, Amaros. And for the record, Harlum let me leave. He gave me my markings back, see?”
I roll my coat sleeve up to show him, and he grits his teeth.
Moments later, all the angels file out of the room. Clearly the meeting’s off. Amaros backs up as Harlum walks over to us.
“Where were we?” Harlum asks. “Oh yes. Lost Souls are not in this life anymore.”
I’m trying to concentrate on what he’s saying, but I can feel Amaros’s eyes on me. I risk a glance at him and catch his gaze dropping to my lips. Heat rises in my cheeks, and I glance away.
What is it with this male? He’s so darn difficult to read. One minute he’s all kind, and the next he’s angry with me. Now he’s checking me out?
“What are they?” I ask, although I can probably guess.
“They’re deceased angel souls, evil creatures who have gone to a dark place after death,” Harlum explains.
A chill runs down my spine at the thought. They can’t have been very good to end up there.
“So you haven’t heard about angels being killed on Earth?” I ask.
He looks to Amaros, and there’s some sort of silent exchange between them.
“No, I would have heard about that by now if it were true.”
I look at Amaros. This cocky male must know something.
“Why haven’t you heard about it?” I ask.
He narrows his eyes at me. “I will look into it.”
“Arrange a meeting with Apollon and Zalore,” I say, maintaining eye contact with Amaros before shifting my gaze back to Harlum. “Especially if you are unaware of what’s going on. They know, so they can discuss that with you. It’s time to put your differences aside. After all, Hethenos killed my mother, not an archangel of Zarquon.”
Amaros clears his throat and shuffles uncomfortably from one foot to the other, and Harlum glares at him.
“I will discuss this with the relevant parties and decide. I appreciate you bringing this to my attention, Zarla.” He gives me a nod, and then he’s gone, leaving me alone with Amaros.