Page 9 of Wings of Betrayal
Come on, Zarla. Pull yourself together.
The creature is close behind as I fly back up to Keva. I don’t bother looking back this time and instead put my trust in Keva. He knows what he’s doing.
He turns his body right at the last moment, giving me the opportunity I need to grab hold of him. I retract my wings, wrapping my arms and legs around him, and he shoots through the sky like a bullet. The Silanthian borders are finally visible up ahead. We are so close.
I can almost feel the creature behind me, and I don’t dare look in case it swipes at me again.
Keva crosses the border into Silanthia, and I risk a glance now that we’re somewhat safe within the Kingdom, but the creature’s gone. Frowning, I search the skies for it, but it’s too dark to see. I urge Keva to fly on, and he takes me back to the castle, landing gently outside the main entrance. I scratch him behind the ears, and he purrs.
“Good boy, Keva.”
He grunts, rubbing his face against mine before taking off toward the Dark Forest.
Several guards acknowledge me as I pass into the castle, their expressions pale, no doubt from being in the presence of a Zelon. I’m just inside the door when I spot Amaros.
His brows crease as he looks me over, but before I can dodge him, he’s heading my way.
“Zarla, what happened?” he demands.
It’s becoming more and more difficult to pretend I don’t know the extent of his deception. But I have to set aside my anger, yet again, because the last thing I need is him knowing that I know. That I remember what he’s done.
“I’m okay, but I need to speak with Harlum. Urgently.”
He gives me a curt nod. “Follow me.”
Amaros leads me through the castle and into the meeting room where Harlum and several other high-class angels are sitting around a large metal table. They all look up when we enter, and I wait at the door as Amaros hurries over and whispers in his ear. I spot Kastal Kallis, Finlay’s father, sitting at the table. He gives me a kind smile.
“Please excuse me a moment,” Harlum announces before leaving the table and crossing the room toward me.
He gestures for us to leave the room, and the guards close the doors behind us. Amaros stays back, but he’s close enough that I know he’ll probably hear what I have to say.
“Zarla, what is so important that you had to interrupt my meeting?”
I side-eye Amaros, who glances up to meet my gaze before looking down at his clasped hands. He’s totally listening.
Harlum raises his brows as he grows impatient.
“Are you aware angels are being slaughtered on Earth?” I ask.
His eyes widen, and I catch Amaros appearing somewhat surprised, too. Interesting.
“How did you hear of this?”
So he’s dodging my question with his own. Typical.
“From Zeta. They are aware that angels and archangels have been killed on Earth by some kind of creature. She wanted me to pass on a message. They are requesting a meeting with you and Zalore to discuss it.”
He laughs, rubbing his chin as he shakes his head. “And they didn’t bother to send word themselves?”
I frown at him, annoyed by his attitude, and ball my fists. “This isn’t a joke. You have to meet with them. Something must be done.”
He rubs his hands together and looks off into the distance, as if contemplating my words. “What makes you think it isn’t some sort of trap?”
I look him in the eye. “Because I’ve seen them. I was literally just chased all the way from the Galespo borders by one of them.”
His features immediately shift, concern wrinkling his forehead. “What did it look like?”