Page 45 of The Guru: Shadow
Only she wasn’t finished. The moment she slipped off the dildo, there was a twitch in the corner of her mouth, almost a smug grin. Her hand gripped the dildo, detached it from the tiles, and insteadof washing it under the still-running water, she turned around and held it like ice cream cone in front of her.
Oh Emma, you will regret that.
Endless, devouring lust exploded in him, fastening his heartbeat as he watched her tongue slide over the shaft of the dildo as she licked her own juices off it. And when she lifted her chin up a little, encasing it with her lips the very same way she did yesterday with his cock, she pushed it into her throat, full length.
Hell of a girl.
He would take all of her tonight, all of her. He would fuck her until she bled all over him, until she begged for him to have mercy with her. Only he wouldn’t.
And as he witnessed her stepping out of the bathtub, he expected her to go back to her normal self, to be the crushed version of loathing. Instead, she reached for her phone and went out of the bathroom wet and dripping as she was without a towel. She aimed for the guest room, unlocked it, and went inside.
No camera there. Shit.
So, she’s still playing.
He couldn’t wait to see what would happen next. As they rolled minutes later into 45th St. towards her apartment, the images in front of his inner eyes became vivid, as he watched himself bursting into her apartment, taking her by throat and pushing her down on her knees. He could feel her soft warm skin in his hands, burning him from the heat of her arousal.
“Deis, we have a problem,” came Edwards voice, and he had heard it just as much, no need to turn around.
That was her game.
And for the first time, he was impressed. For the first time, he had been caught off guard. And it was glorious.
Game on, baby, game on.
There was only one thing in life she could rely on. And that was her ability to thrive in chaos. The more urgent, the more chaotic or fucked up the situation, where others lost their shit, her mind was sharp like a freshly sharpened Damascus knife. Even under the influence of too much alcohol. Or especially then, because she finally had a sense of self-worth.
It was something that had gotten her into, as much as out of, many tight spots in the past, but tonight probably was her masterpiece.
I am no fucking prey.
She would not run from him. She would not let herself be hunted. Nor would she let herself be played. And it was pure joy glancing down on the street, seeing the black G-Class being pulled over by the police.
Although she had no hope of not paying for it, right now, to her bold, drunken self, she won this round, and she would let herself have this moment of triumph. Tomorrow, the world would be back to normal.
And sure as hell, as she woke up next morning, regret greeted her like the old friend it was – in a chest-cracking, crushing embrace of royally fucked up.
Only this time, she wasn’t so sure she would survive the echoes following her actions. He was violent, he knew no rules, no laws, and throwing him into the lion’s den would sure have consequences.
Reaching for her phone, she checked the messages – one from Julie, but nothing from him.
No messages.
No calls.
No reaction at all.
And that made it more than dangerous. Nothing was more dangerous than silence.
In the following days, as the season entered the dreary month of November, she caught herself multiple times checking the chat with Deis, but nothing was there. Part of her imagined him being taken down into custody, but he would’ve surely gotten out by paying some money. So, it left her with the only conclusion possible: He was waiting. Lingering in the shadows to make her break, lower her guard.
Whenever she went outside, she listened for the sound of the G-Class, glanced around, and even went outside without her noise cancelling headphones. But there was just nothing.