Page 34 of Midnight Whispers
I shake my head. “You did nothing wrong, Lillia. It was me. I shouldn’t have let it get this far.”
“I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since you drew me the portrait. It only got worse at the party. Iwantthis. I wantyou,Finn.”
I groan and run my nose along her haw. “You have no idea what you’re asking. The things you would have to give up being with me...”
“Then tell me, so I can understand.”
Both our heads turn toward the door when Flora knocks on it.
“Hey, Lil. The cops are here to talk to you. Something about Parker, but they won’t tell me anything else. Also, why is your door locked?” She wiggles the doorknob.
“I’m coming right now, Flo,” Lillia says, her voice thick with frustration. She turns back to look at me.
I rush to stand. “That is my cue to leave.”
Lillia turns to me with pleading eyes. “Will you come back? Please.”
“If that is what you want.” She nods and crosses the room to the dresser, opening one of the bottom drawers and pulling on a pair of black leggings. I find myself staring at how well they hug her hips perfectly.
Lillia lingers at the door for a moment, tapping her finger on the frame, before turning to look back at where I stand. She lets out a deep breath and the feeling of her anticipation makes the room thick. I focus my attention on the police officers at the door, listening closely to the communication between the two of them. Lillia lets out a gasp when they inform her that theyfound Parker’s body in the ocean. His last known whereabouts was the Halloween party and people reported seeing them have an argument. She, however, wasn’t a suspect because people witnessed them separate and she remained at the party while he left. They were only asking her to see if she knew anyone who would want to hurt him. The bigger and older of the two officers informed her that they were ruling it a homicide.
I can hear her heart beating from here.
Taking this moment as my way out, I jump from her window and land with a thud at the base of her cottage. At full speed, I move to the woods behind the cottage. I know if I don’t contain my hunger before tonight, Lillia will be in danger.
Between Finn beinga freakingvampireand now Parker being dead… I’m kind of freaking out internally. I’m not sure my mouth could hang open anymore. I can’t process anything that’s being said or happening. The room begins to spin and focusing on anything isn’t helping the sickness rising in my stomach.
Parker cannot bedead.
Like… He's just gone forever. I stare at the sheriff, but I don’t think I’m reallyseeinghim. My mind feels like it’s spinning, but the room is standing completely still.
“Lillia? Are you okay?” Cyrus adjusts his belt. “I know it's a lot to take in.”
“Uh… Yeah. I think I'm okay. Do we know what happened? Where was he? I just saw him last night,” I responded in disbelief.
“Well, it is known he was intoxicated at the party. We have a few witnesses who claim to have seen him throwing back copious amounts of Jack at the bar. Wedidhave witnesses see Flora and him have a tussle, but everyone saw her go back inafter he left so she isn’t a suspect.” Cyrus takes a deep breath before continuing. “But the coroner doesn’t think the way his neck was snapped is consistent with justfallingoff the cliff.”
My stomach drops.
I think I’m going to be sick.
Flora sucks in a deep breath.
“Wait he wasinthe ocean? He… he, what, just washed up onto the shore?!” I imagine Parker floating in the ocean. His skin fading to a grayish blush, the space beneath his eyes developing into a dark purple circle. Bile rises higher in my throat, and I instinctively put my hand over my mouth, resting the other on my stomach and debating on if I needed to run to the bathroom or not. I push it back down and decide to try and handle any other news this conversation brings.
Cyrus nods slowly, and by the color his face is turning, I know he’s seen Parker’s body.
Parker’s body.
This just can’t be happening.
Cyrus clears his throat before firmly stating, “I want to make one thing clear: you are not a suspect, Lillia. We just know you and Parker had a historyand we wanted you to hear it from us before word got around.”
“Thank you, Cyrus. Is there anything I can do to help?”
“No ma'am, but once we hear more, we will let you know. After his family of course.”