Page 6 of Wicked Witch
“Keep those on at all times or you could become blind.”
“What the fuck?” Sin grumbles while unbuckling his belt.
Exiting the car, I look around and I’m not sure what I’m seeing.
“Now, Rus, where the hell are we? Is that a unicorn?”
Rus laughs and starts to walk toward a cottage that looks like it’s from that nursery rhyme about Hansel and Gretal.
“Come on, my Nan doesn’t like to be kept waiting,” he mutters and once Sin has decided to leave the car we stumble over the uneven path to a front door.
“This place is creepy,” Sin mutters, and I have to agree. There are shadows everywhere and branches hanging in the pathway.
I trip over my own feet, and I’m about to hit the ground, but Rus grabs me in time.
“Seriously you two are worse than Hippogoblins.”
“Hippo what?”
“It doesn't matter. You won’t remember this night later anyways. A Hippogobblin has three left feet and won’t stop squawking, but it never has anything good to say, so we ignore it.”
“Bro, you are seriously mental,” I mutter as we reach the door. From far away it looked like a pixie lived here, but now that we are in front of it, I can see it’s huge.
Rus leans around me and does some weird knock. It reminds me of a song, but I can’t think of it right now.
“Why are we here?” I ask. I should have questioned if he was kidnapping us earlier but my mind is starting to clear now.
“Well my little Petunia, you and Smoteler here drank my goofeyjizz and that's just not okay. I am stumped that you haven't bloated or changed color yet,” he mumbles under his breath.
Arsen chokes on his spit. “We drank what?” he shouts and I cringe.
“Goofeyjizz. It’s perfectly safe for me. Gives me a little pick me up when the old ticker is slowing.”
“We did not drink your jizz and stop saying that so loudly.”
Rus snorts, then rolls his eyes.
The door swings open, and the most beautiful woman stands there with long pink hair and the same violet eyes as Rus.
“Cirrus, do you know what time it is?” Placing her hands on her delicate hips, she purses her lips.
“Yes, sorry, Nan, I needed your most bountiful expertise.”
Leaning down he places a kiss on her flawless cheek and she sighs, pulling him into a hug.
She's so tiny her head rests on his stomach.
“Fine, come inside. I’ll put the kettle on.”
Turning she leaves us and my feet immediately follow her. She's entrancing. Mesmerizing.
“I thought you said we were going to your grandmother’s. Is she your sister? Cousin?”
Rus places his hand on my chest, stopping my progression, and I don’t think I have ever seen my friend angry before.
“That is my grandmother and you better show her some respect and stop drooling like you’re a Pisselhound.”
Sin starts to laugh behind me, and I spin to smack him in the arm. “It’s not funny,” I grunt, and he shakes his head still laughing.