Page 7 of Wicked Witch
“Cirrus I don’t have all night. I was busy ya know?”
“Come. Let’s just dose you and then I can ditch your asses,” Rus grumbles and walks deeper in the house. It’s dark in here so we stumble after him, using the textured walls to guide us.
Walking into a weird kitchen there is a table with empty chairs waiting for us. I sit and Sin plops down next to me. “Can I take these glasses off now? It’s rude to wear them inside.”
“No!” Rus and his nan shout at the same time, making me jump.
“Okay, okay,” I mumble, then yawn, wishing I could be home in bed already.
“Don’t worry, Poppet, I will have you back in ship shape soon,” Nan says, moving over to us with a giant tea-like kettle and Rus follows with some mugs.
“Now, drink up and swallow every drop like a good little mage.”
She pours us a large cup of some sweet smelling tea and I take mine, blowing on the top. It’s hot but when I take my first sip, it tastes like the coolest, freshest iced tea. Hmm.
“That’s a good boy. Now close your eyes and let the remedy kick in.”
I shut my eyes and sigh. The headache is now dissipating. Rus and his nan talk quietly, and I’m seriously about to fall asleep again.
“It’s okay, buddy pie, I’ll get ya home safe.”
Those are the last words I remember him saying before I pass out.
“I’m happy to see you,”Nan says as she helps me carry Astor and Arsen back to my car. She may be tiny, but she’s stronger than two Hornicats together. “Your mother stopped by the other day. She misses you. Are you really not going to go through with the wedding and take your rightful place in Court?”
Ugh, I don’t want to go over all this again. Sighing, I place Arsen in the front seat and help Nan place his ‘lucky to still be alive’ twin in the back. I can’t believe he was going to hit on my nan.
“I never wanted to take the throne, Nan. Plus I like it in the mortal realm. I may have even found myself a spicy little witch. Maybe I’ll marry her and get Mam off my back.”
“Oh, please let me have a front row seat for that day. Your mother will throw a hell of a storm.” Giggling, she gives me another hug, and I breathe in her floral and bismal berry scent.
“Seriously, I have never met another like her. Our connection was fireworks and explosions. I think she may be my mate. But when we kissed I saw visions about things I don’t understand,but there was a place so I know where she plans to go next, and I will be following.”
“Ahhh, young love. I remember when your Pap stalked me. It was so romantic,” sighing, she stares off at the rainbow sky. “He’s been gone a decade now, but I can still hear him in the wind.”
“Love you, Nan. I’ll come visit again…”
Loud trumpets sound in the sky, cutting me off mid sentence. Shit, I was so damn close.
“Oh, boy, you better skedaddle before your brother lands. And baby, keep your Goofeyjizz away from your friends. They got lucky this time.”
Glancing at the sky I can tell my brother has brought the whole guard with him.
“Not today, Satan! Bye Nan,” I shout, then dive into the driver’s seat and hit the button for the portal back to the mortal realm.
I need to get these geese home and then pack for an adventure.
“I’ll see you soon, my little goddess.”
“Excuse me, what? You can’t seriously be thinking about just up and leaving because some voice told you to go to some abandoned wasteland!” Halee is irate and though I am the boss I can’t blame her.
“Hales, you can handle this place. I have it closed for a few weeks for the renovations anyways. All you need to do is keep an eyeon the workers and make sure they don’t cause any unnecessary damage to the upstairs.”
She continues to ramble as I pack. I don’t know how cold upstate NY is, but I grab a few cardigans and jeans just to be safe.