Page 17 of Unknown Royal Baby
‘Of course I tried to contact you. Even if I didn’t have work issues to discuss, I was worried.’ At least at first. ‘Your crash made world headlines. But no one seemed to know how badly injured you really were.’
Grey eyes lifted and met hers. ‘As you see, I’m fine.’
He didn’t look fine, she realised with a shock of clarity that made her insides twist. He looked...gaunt, as if a sculptor had chiselled his features but gone too far, accentuating deep chasms and angles and not leaving enough flesh on the bone. In the conference room she hadn’t noticed, too caught up in her own emotions.
‘I’m sorry about your father.’
She knew what grief was like. At least her great-aunt had reached a venerable age and her decline had given them both time to prepare. It must be terrible to lose a loved one so suddenly.
‘Thank you.’ He nodded. ‘He was a good man and I miss him.’
For a moment they regarded each other and Avril could have sworn she felt the ebb and flow of understanding between them.
No. No. No! Don’t start fantasising now. He’s not that man.
It was time to remind them both that she had his measure.
‘I emailed you, multiple times. I called but got no answer. When you didn’t contact me, even when you were out of hospital and taking up your duties again, I called both the Zahdari Embassy here and then your palace, leaving messages.’
The memory of those fraught months reinvigorated her indignation and hurt. She hadn’t expected long-term commitment as a result of the night they’d shared. She was no blind romantic. But he’d made it clear he wanted to see her again.
He’d acted as if he cared about her.
More fool you.
‘And I didn’t get in touch.’ He rested his forehead on his hand, his elbow on the arm of the chair. ‘I’m sorry, Avril. I—’ He looked up, frowning. ‘What’s that?’
The sound began low and soft, like the warning hint of thunder in the distance, making her sit up, dismay filling her. She knew from experience the storm would break all too soon.
She jumped to her feet. ‘Excuse me. There’s something I need to see to. I won’t be long.’ She hoped. ‘Wait here.’
It was only as she hurried from the room that she realised she was in stockinged feet and wisps of hair hung around her face. It would have been nice to meet him looking cool instead of frazzled. But her appearance was the least of her worries. Her heart hammered desperately.
She stumbled up the stairs, weariness vying with shock. For, after months knocking her head against a brick wall, trying to contact Isam, she’d learnt she was better off without him. Today had just consolidated that, convincing her he didn’t need to know about this.
Thiswas her business, not his.
Given the way he’d discarded her without a second thought, without even the courtesy of a call, she’d never trust him with anything so valuable.
The decibels rose as she reached the landing at the top of the stairs and dived into the first room, closing the door behind her.
A couple of minutes later, arms full, she turned at the sound of the door opening, her heart leaping into her throat.
There was Isam, looking ridiculously splendid in his tailored suit and impeccable silk tie, his shoulders almost brushing the sides of the narrow doorway. He looked as out of place in her little home as she would in a palace.
His eyes rounded as he took her in. Swiftly he surveyed the room, taking in the recent changes she’d made, then returned to the weight in her arms.
‘You have a baby?’
Her arms tightened around Maryam as she swayed and jiggled, trying to persuade her to go back to sleep.
Now he looked more than surprised. He looked stunned. ‘It’s yours?’
Avril had thought of this moment for so long. She’d imagined so many different scenarios. But now it came to it, the words stuck in her mouth. Her emotions were still so up and down. Half the time she didn’t know if her daughter was a glorious blessing or a test she’d fail, despite her best efforts.
She nodded jerkily and lifted the baby higher in her arms, patting her back.