Page 18 of Unknown Royal Baby
But Maryam refused to be soothed, her grizzles becoming a full-blown cry that made perspiration bead Avril’s nape and her stomach churn. She’d spent ages getting the little one settled to sleep. Was it going to be another bad night like last night?
She turned to pace the room. The warm bundle in her arms was familiar now after almost four months, and she loved her daughter dearly, but she was incredibly aware of her lack of experience as a mother.
She’d never been around young children. Never had younger siblings or cousins. She’d been brought up by an elderly woman whose friends were, in the main, old. Avril had never babysat before she came home from hospital with this precious, fascinating, demanding bundle.
Gus, next door, was a fountain of useful information and practical help. Occasionally she’d pop around in the evening with a hot meal she’d cooked, offering to keep an eye on Maryam while Avril ate. For Avril’s daughter had the unerring ability to wake, crying, just when her mother sat down to eat or take a bath. As for sleeping...
Avril turned to find Isam had moved into the room, making the nursery smaller than ever.
‘You should leave. I’ll meet you tomorrow. You’ll just have to find time for me in your schedule.’
Was he even listening? His whole attention was on the baby. Avril’s breathing snared. Was he noticing her mink-brown hair, so dark it looked almost black? Or her grey eyes?
Avril’s arms tightened reflexively and Maryam wailed.
‘Is she teething?’
Avril frowned. ‘You know about babies?’
He lifted one shoulder, his attention still on her daughter. ‘A bit.’
Once more Avril swung away, swaying Maryam and trying to soothe her. Without success. And when she turned there was Isam, frowning. Judging her for not being able to calm her child?
‘I don’t think she is. And it’s not hunger,’ Avril explained. ‘I just fed her and she doesn’t need changing.’
Grey eyes lifted to meet hers and fleetingly it felt as though understanding passed between them. ‘Sometimes I think they just want company.’
She felt like saying Maryam had her company all the time. Today had been the first time she’d left her daughter, which had only added to the stress of that formal meeting. Gus had assured her that Maryam had been ‘as good as gold’ in her absence, leaving Avril wishing she could be a bit more content with her own mother.
‘You look done in,’ he murmured. ‘Why don’t you sit down and I’ll hold her for a bit?’
She couldn’t have been more astonished. But Isam’s expression was serious and his tone gentle.
Too gentle. It was easier to feel competent and in control without what looked and sounded like sympathy.
His mouth lifted at one corner in a crooked smile that made her insides squeeze. ‘It’s a long time since I held a baby.’
Hewantedto hold her squalling daughter? Or was he just being kind?
Of course he’s being kind. But why?
‘How long has it been?’
His smile stiffened but he stepped closer. ‘My sister was eleven years younger than me.’
Was. Of course, she’d read when researching for her job that he’d had a sibling, but hadn’t paid much attention. Now she glimpsed something in Isam’s face that made her ashamed not to have registered how much losing his sister must have meant to him.
Spurred by emotions she didn’t stop to consider, Avril let him lift her daughter from her arms. As soon as she saw his confident hold and the way Maryam, surprised by the newcomer, stared up at him, something eased inside Avril. Her knees loosened and she sank abruptly into the cushioned rocking chair that she’d brought upstairs for feeding time.
Maryam frowned up at him and he bent his head, all his attention on her. It was strange, seeing them so close together.
Her tiny daughter and this big man who sheltered her so easily against his broad chest. The sight of his protective stance and his absorption made Avril feel strange.
When Maryam waved a tiny hand in the air he offered his finger for her to clutch, and that strange feeling burst into something stronger. A fierce melting, a drawing sensation through Avril’s belly, while her heart stuttered before picking up a quickened beat.
She was so lost in her thoughts it took a while to register that her daughter was no longer crying. And that Isam was crooning something she couldn’t understand. The baritone rumble of it tunnelled through her body, making taut muscles loosen and easing her jittery tension.
Her brain told her to get up and take care of Maryam herself. But she was exhausted. Would it really hurt to sit quietly just for a few minutes?