Page 42 of Unknown Royal Baby
‘If only.’ She turned her head to see his encouraging smile. He was doing what he could to make this easier.
Even lie about wanting her?
Staff opened enormous carved doors and they stepped into a vast room with walls that looked like fields of beautiful flowers. Above soared a ceiling of gold from which hung rows of glittering chandeliers. And below that, a throng of people, all bowing low.
‘Asmallreception?’ she whispered as she faltered on the threshold.
‘A mere two hundred. Tiny by royal standards.’ Isam’s mouth crooked up at one corner. ‘Just be yourself, Avril, that’s all you need to do. I’ll be with you.’
He led her into the crowd that parted for them. Avril was aware of curious, assessing gazes and then bowed heads as their sheikh approached.
Except to one side where an older man walked swiftly towards a young woman dressed in silver, his expression thunderous. That look and the urgency of his gestures as he spoke to her struck a jarring note, especially as his narrowed gaze was fixed the whole time on Isam.
Beside Avril, Isam stiffened, but he kept his pace unhurried.
Someone stepped up to the podium. She recognised the minister whom she’d co-opted to provide refreshments for Isam’s elderly guests.
His speech was short and ended in a burst of enthusiastic applause from the crowd that now encircled them. Then the minister spoke again in English, presumably for Avril’s benefit. He announced the Sheikh’s betrothal to Ms Avril Rodgers. To her surprise he added that they had a baby daughter and that mother and child were now living in the palace prior to the wedding. Then he concluded by wishing them well.
Another round of applause erupted and people surged towards them. For a second she hovered on the brink of light-headedness, feeling overwhelmed. Until Isam squeezed her hand and murmured that they’d do this together.
Strange how easily that settled her nerves.
She saw a single movement away from them, the scowling man striding for the exit. Then all her attention was claimed by well-wishers. Many had an air of gravitas as if very aware of their importance and many wore obviously expensive clothes, but all seemed genuinely pleased about the engagement.
It surprised her, as had the fact Maryam had been mentioned in the speech. Avril had supposed a foreign bride, who’d borne a child out of marriage, would be frowned on. Perhaps the Zahdaris were too polite to show disapproval.
Then her doubts fled as a familiar figure appeared. The tall, upright form of Hana Bishara, the woman Avril had met several days earlier.
Hana bowed to Isam then to Avril. ‘I’m so delighted by the news of your betrothal. I can see our sheikh has chosen his bride well.’
‘Thank you so much. It’s lovely to see you again, Hana.’
The lady’s smile widened. ‘You remember my name?’
Avril grinned back at her. ‘You were the first person I tried to speak to in Arabic. You were very encouraging and didn’t even wince at my pronunciation.’
Hana laughed. ‘Your pronunciation was admirable. Perhaps we’ll meet again and you can practise with me.’
The friendly offer and the warmth of her manner cut through Avril’s anxiety. ‘Thank you. I’d like that very much.’
‘I’ll look forward to it too. But for now I must move on. There are others waiting to meet you.’
There were. To Avril it seemed like far more than two hundred but the short interlude with Hana had given her the boost she needed. Besides, everyone was friendly. She wouldn’t be surprised if their smiles hid surprise or doubt, but she was thankful nevertheless.
Until she turned to find a woman in silver bowing before Isam. She’d been with the older man who’d left so abruptly. The woman wasn’t precisely beautiful but had presence, an elegance and confidence Avril envied.
Did she imagine a lull in conversation around them as the woman spoke to Isam then turned and wished Avril well in English?
Who was she? Avril thanked her, wishing she’d caught her name, before turning to the next person in line.
After that everything went smoothly. Buoyed by the warmth of her welcome and Hana’s encouragement, Avril even began using her basic Arabic to welcome and thank the well-wishers. Which led to more smiles and nods of approval.
Beside her, Isam looked proud and regal but his manner was warm with his guests, even warmer when he caught her eye after it was all over.
‘Superbly done, Avril,’ he said as he led her back to the palace’s private wing. ‘Thank you.’
She shrugged. ‘You were right. I didn’t have to do much.’ Even so she felt she’d run a marathon, her body only now beginning to relax. Yet having Isam at her side, a bulwark against nervousness, had made such a difference.