Page 43 of Unknown Royal Baby
What does that say about your feelings for him? You’re supposed to be marrying him for your child’s sake, not because of some romantic fantasy you know isn’t real.
Avril made herself concentrate on tonight’s reception. She didn’t delude herself that future events would be so easy. But it pleased her that she’d held her own. In fact she felt that buzz of excitement in her blood that she always got from a job well done. It left her wired and excited rather than tired.
Which had to explain her impulsive decision to invite Isam into her suite rather than say goodnight at the door. She wasn’t ready for sleep. She had too many questions.
It had absolutely nothing to do with not wanting him to walk away. Nothing at all.
Avril watched him pace the room with a coiled energy that made her wonder if he felt the same high of excitement and satisfaction she did. Of anticipation...
‘Why did you make the announcement about Maryam? Won’t it shock everyone that you have a child? I thought you were just going to announce the engagement.’
Isam swung around, a lamp in the corner slanting light and shadows across his harshly beautiful features.
‘You’d have me drip-feed the news? To what end? Our child is a cause for celebration.’
His delight stirred feelings she hadn’t known she carried.
Becauseshehadn’t been important enough for her mother or her father?
Was that the real reason she’d agreed to marry—because Isam clearly intended Maryam would be at the centre of his world? How could Avril resist that?
‘Even so, we weren’t married when she was born.’
His dark eyebrows drew together. ‘In Zahdar we don’t have such negative views about illegitimacy as in some places. Maryam will be welcomed here.’
He smiled. ‘Besides, her existence proves we’re compatible and fertile. One of the Sheikh’s key roles is to ensure the succession, for the future safety of the country.’
Avril folded her arms, refusing to be amused. ‘You mean they’ll like me because I’m good breeding stock?’
That made her feel like a prize-winning sheep!
Isam paced closer. ‘It doesn’t hurt that we’ve produced a child. My father’s early death was a shock, especially as I was badly injured. It made people wonder about the future and the stability of the monarchy.
‘But tonight you showed the grace and strength I need in a queen. People respect and admire that. They’ll admire you even more when they get to know you. They’ll approve my choice.’
He was doing it again, winning her over with flattery and that searing look, as if he wanted her as more than a convenient bride and mother to his child.
Avril took a step back, chin jutting. She couldn’t play those games. ‘I understand that. But I’d rather you didn’t pretend to things you don’t feel.’
She accepted theirs would be a real marriage. There’d be sex and maybe more children. In her secret heart of hearts, Avril looked forward to intimacy with Isam. But she didn’t want convenient lies to salve her ego.
She looked down at her twisting hands. ‘I appreciate all you’re doing for Maryam, and to make our relationship appear solid. But I’d prefer you didn’t pretend this is yourchoice. We’re together because of circumstance, because of our baby, not because youwantme.’
The silence following her words grew so long that finally she had to look up. Isam wore the strangest expression.
‘You’re right. Circumstance brought us together. Otherwise I’d probably marry a woman from Zahdar. Someone chosen for me in an arranged marriage. I—’
‘Wouldn’t that be hard to accept?’ She reminded herself traditions were different here, especially for royals. ‘You wouldn’t marry for...?’
‘Love?’ His eyebrows rose. ‘I believe my grandparents did but that was an exception. Here royal marriages are settled for dynastic reasons. That’s the way for my family.’
He looked so calm, so matter-of-fact. As if the idea of marrying a stranger didn’t bother him.
But then, that was essentially what he was doing with her. She wished she could be so sanguine. To her it felt wrong to marry for anything other than love.
Isam closed the gap between them, capturing her hands. ‘But that doesn’t stop me wanting you, Avril.’