Page 48 of Unknown Royal Baby
Isam spoke matter-of-factly, yet Avril’s heart hammered high in her throat. She hadn’t known there’d been any question about him surviving.
‘You’re really all right now?’
‘Really. Except for some persistent memory loss that’s gradually improving.’
Yet his smile didn’t reach his eyes. She could only guess how frustrating amnesia must be.
‘You don’t like him, do you?’
His eyes widened with surprise. ‘As a royal I’ve spent my life keeping my emotions to myself. But you read me too easily, Avril, better than most people.’
She said nothing, just waited. Finally he said, ‘I hadn’t wanted to tell you yet. You have enough to deal with. This—’ his gesture encompassed their palatial surroundings ‘—takes a lot of getting used to.’
‘I don’t need to be coddled. I’d rather understand what’s going on.’
His prevarication only heightened her concern. The Isam she knew didn’t dither. He was quick to grasp problems and take action. Yet now he seemed reluctant to talk.
Finally he shrugged. ‘There have been problems for some time. At first I wondered if they were my fault. That’s the way it seemed, or at least the way it was made to seem.’
‘I don’t understand.’
Isam’s expression hardened. ‘Nor did I. I was convinced my memory loss was only for the period before and during the accident, not afterwards. Yet important errors kept being made, all stemming from my office, apparently leading back to me. No real damage has been done...yet. But it’s been a close-run thing and only because my staff are so dedicated and loyal. There have been whispers among the few who knew about my amnesia, that perhaps I wasn’t up to the job of ruling after all. That I was unreliable, my brain too damaged to work effectively.’
A chill of premonition skated down Avril’s spine. ‘You think Hafiz is behind that.’
Isam nodded. ‘Behind the rumours, and, thanks to you, I’m now sure he’s behind the problems we’ve had.’
‘Thanks to me? I haven’t done anything.’
‘But you have. The day you found that group waiting in the courtyard, you described the man who’d loitered nearby. The one who hurried away when you called him. Your description fitted someone who’d already raised suspicion. He’s a secretary in the palace with access to my office and he has a close connection with Hafiz. My personal staff have checked his movements over the past several months and his access to restricted information. We believe he engineered every crisis we’ve faced.’
Avril stared, her stomach churning. ‘You mean leaving those people out in the heat was deliberate? That could have been disastrous.’
‘Exactly. And because they were told I’d personally requested them to attend that day, some might make a case that it was my fault. That I’m undependable and make erratic, pointless decisions.’
‘Somemeaning Hafiz?’
‘It sounds far-fetched but it’s no joke. The crises we dealt with were initially to do with leaked confidential information that might affect key commercial negotiations and national security. Now he’s stooped to threaten the health of innocent bystanders too.’ His voice hardened. ‘All because Hafiz has developed a taste for royal power. I think he hoped I wouldn’t recover and the council might make him Sheikh.’
‘That’s appalling! Surely no one would take him seriously.’
Isam’s mouth tightened. ‘He tries to capitalise on the fact that prior to the accident my work for the country was mainly behind the scenes. He even tried to paint me as a playboy with no interest in governing, based on a few high-profile lovers years ago.’ Isam shook his head. ‘When I was young I was impatient of royal protocol, leaving most official public duties to my father. But we worked as a team. I’ve helped run the country for years.’
Avril struggled to take it all in. ‘But he can’t get rid of you, can he? You’re well.’
‘I am. The only way I can be removed as Sheikh is if I’m proven incompetent to lead. Thatwon’thappen.’
She surveyed his grimly set features and relief stirred. The thought of Isam dethroned by a conniving rival chilled her. Not that she knew anything about Zahdari politics, but she knew him. He had immense vision, was dependable and talented, the sort of qualities a leader needed.
The shock of his revelation made her realise her earlier doubts about his motives said more about her than him.
‘Don’t worry, Avril. Now we’ve located the mole in the palace we’ll be able to prove what he’s up to.’
‘And Hafiz? What was he doing last night?’
Isam’s mouth flattened. ‘I can’t say for sure but the woman with him was his daughter.’ He paused as if searching for words. ‘In the months after my accident the Royal Council strongly urged me to marry. Everyone likes the idea of an heir to carry on the succession. Hafiz suggested his daughter as a suitable bride and I agreed to consider the possibility. He was looking at ways to shore up his links to the throne.’
Avril’s breath clogged her throat, making her voice thick. ‘But then you found out I’d had your baby.’