Page 49 of Unknown Royal Baby
It was one thing for him to say he’d probably have married a woman from his own country if circumstances had been different.
But it was another to discover that wasn’t theoretical, that therewasanother woman!
A sophisticated, elegant woman who looked born to the role of Sheikh’s wife. Who’d do it more successfully than Avril ever could.
No wonder the crowd had hushed as the woman in silver offered her good wishes on their engagement.
Avril folded her arms, hugging them close to her body, holding in the sudden wretchedness churning her insides.
‘Yes. From that moment there was no question of me marrying anyone else.’ After a second he continued. ‘I never agreed to marry her, Avril. Only to think about it. As for Hafiz’s behaviour last night, I don’t know. But only a very few people knew about our engagement in advance. Hafiz wasn’t one. My guess is he was furious that his ploy to marry off his daughter to me failed.’
Warm fingers covered hers and squeezed. ‘Don’t worry. Soon we’ll have proof of his machinations. His campaign against me can’t succeed. And you can be sure I’ll look after you and Maryam. Believe me, Avril, I take my duty very seriously.’
There was that word again. Until she’d met Isam it had never bothered her. She told herself it shouldn’t now. She was glad he wouldn’t shirk doing the right thing by their child. Besides which, he was clearly besotted by Maryam.
If Avril’s parents had loved her more, if they’d been as committed as him to doing their parental duty, they wouldn’t have left her behind.
Don’t go there. You can’t change the past. As for the future, your focus must be Maryam, ensuring she has the parental love and care you didn’t.
Cilla had been a wonderful role model and taught her so much, loved her so dearly. But there’d always been a part of Avril ready to believe she wasn’t enough, wasn’t lovable, and that was why her parents found it so easy to leave.
Now the man she was about to marry reminded her their wedding was all about duty.
She pushed down burgeoning hurt, crushed it into a dark recess behind her ribs and slammed a lid down on it. She couldn’t afford to feel hurt, not if they were going to make this work.
‘Sorry, what were you saying?’
Isam had spoken but she’d been caught up in her thoughts. But the time for regret and doubt was over. She had committed to this.
‘I said we need to spend more time together.’ Pale eyes held hers but she couldn’t tell what he was thinking. ‘Since we returned to Zahdar I’ve been putting out spot fires of Hafiz’s making. But now we have a lead on how he’s causing the trouble, I can step back a little, help you adjust.’
Avril tried to ignore her flutter of pleasure. ‘What do you have in mind?’
‘My staff will organise briefings for you on palace protocol, local history and customs, and so on. Useful things that will help you when you become Sheikha. But you won’t just be taking on a royal title, we’ll be building a marriage. We need to know each other better, trust each other.’
‘You want to get to know me?’
‘Is that so bad?’
‘Of course not. It makes sense.’
Avril didn’t know whether to be pleased at his sensible approach, or disappointed. It sounded as though he intended to schedule slots for her in his busy timetable. Would they do Q and As across his desk?
The difference between that and last night’s encounter, when he’d buried his head between her legs and taken her to the stars, made her want to weep. She wished he’d gather her close and make love to her instead of sitting on the other side of the table.
She didn’t know where she stood with Isam. Most of the time he acted like a polite acquaintance, but last night... All she knew for sure was that he saw her as key to claiming his daughter.
Avril looked away, reaching for a peach, rather than reveal disappointment that, despite last night’s intimacy, he viewed their relationship as something to be planned.
‘How do you want to do that?’ She bit into the peach, its sweet lushness the complete opposite of their dry conversation.
His expression changed, so quickly she couldn’t read his gleaming eyes before his features settled again into calm lines.
She’d give so much to see him raw and unguarded.