Page 59 of Unknown Royal Baby
Isam was doing everything he could to make her feel at home. Teaching her to drive, his patience and encouragement making it easier than she’d thought.
There’d been private outings, just the pair of them, to places he thought she’d enjoy. An idyllic private beach where they’d swum and made love. A superb lunch high in a modern glass tower with a bird’s eye view of the city, where he’d pointed out new developments and traditional parts of the city he loved so much.
One evening he’d taken her outside the capital for a supper picnic. Away from the city lights they’d gazed at the brilliant stars and he’d begun teaching her their names. They’d go hot-air ballooning after the wedding too.
Isam was thoughtful and kind, and his passion excited her. But there was something missing.
Unlike his grandfather who’d had these beautiful rooms decorated for his bride, Isam didn’t love her.
Avril told herself it didn’t matter. This was the best solution to their situation.
You want more than a solution. You want love.
The one thing she’d always craved.
She shook her head, discarding her robe and putting on the clothes laid out for her. The beautiful green dress and shoes had been custom made. Yet she barely registered their luxury. She was too busy telling herself, as she did daily, that she was doing the right thing.
She’d promised to marry and she would, for Maryam. And because she couldn’t bear the thought of leaving Isam.
‘Ms Rodgers, it’s very kind of you to single me out again. There are so many who’d like to talk with you.’
Avril met the elegant brunette’s eyes, reading pleasure there as well as tension. She felt sorry for Hessa, Hafiz’s daughter, guessing how difficult public appearances must be. Word had got out that Hessa had been suggested as a royal bride but rejected by Isam. How many in the crowd also knew her father had plotted against his sheikh?
Even at this celebration to open Zahdar’s new national library, Avril had seen the nudges and whispers.
She moved closer. ‘Not at all. It’s nice talking with someone of a similar age.’
‘His Majesty doesn’t mind?’ Hessa looked past Avril as if expecting Isam to stride through the throng and separate them.
‘Of course not.’ On the contrary, he’d thanked her for talking to Hessa at a previous event, when others had treated her like a pariah. Avril suspected he felt sorry for her, tainted by Hafiz’s behaviour.
‘But my father—’
‘You’re not your father.’ As far as Avril could see, the man had left his daughter to face public curiosity alone. He hadn’t attended any public or royal events since the engagement announcement.
‘You’re very understanding. I’m so glad the trouble he stirred this week hasn’t affected you after all. It would have been a shame.’
‘This week?’ Avril hadn’t heard anything about him lately. Isam had told her things were under control with Hafiz.
‘Yes, that incident in the marketplace and...’ She shook her head, eyes shadowed. ‘I apologise for his behaviour. It saddens me that he used you in that way.’
Avril was about to find out more but thought better of it. This wasn’t the time or place. Besides, a tickle of awareness down her spine told her they weren’t alone.
It was the sensation she got whenever Isam came close. Her body recognised and responded to his nearness even when she hadn’t seen him.
Excitement stirred as it always did. Shewantedhis company. But there was something else too. A despairing ache that swamped everything else.
Despair because their months living together had confirmed what she’d feared. The love she’d recognised so recently was as potent as ever. It showed no sign of diminishing. Her emotions grew deeper as time passed. She was in his thrall, totally responsive and eager for him.
But to Isam she represented duty.
She doubted that would ever change. He was considerate and tender, passionate too, so passionate her toes curled thinking about it. And his love for Maryam...
Her heart clenched. He was capable of love, just not for her.
‘Your Majesty.’
Hessa sank into a curtsey. As ever, Avril admired her grace. She was elegant, arresting, and knew so much about the country and its politics.