Page 60 of Unknown Royal Baby
She’d make a much better sheikha than you.
A deep voice spoke. ‘Hessa, it’s good to see you.’
Isam reached out to take his wife’s hand and felt the tiniest flinch. He watched her shoulders rise, a sure sign of tension.
Concern speared him. For the past few weeks, despite his best efforts, something had gone wrong between them. But what? Whenever he tried to broach the matter she changed the subject, telling him everything was fine.
Fine. Such a bland word. He didn’t want to settle for fine.
Initially she’d seemed to enjoy being with him as much as he wanted to be with her. He’d thought they bonded over Maryam. They’d even shared the once familiar camaraderie that had characterised their working relationship. As if they understood each other, almost without words.
She’d never physically withdrawn from him before. On the contrary, her passion for him seemed endless. Even, of late, almost desperate. Now her composure seemed brittle.
He sensed her fragility.
Hessa spoke, drawing his attention. ‘Thank you, Your Majesty. May I congratulate you on the new library? It’s a stunning building and a wonderful resource, particularly for researchers.’
‘I’m glad you think so.’ He and his father had sponsored the project together and he was proud of it. He explained to Avril, ‘Hessa is a historian and this building will house prized ancient texts and records as well as being a library for the general public.’
Avril immediately began asking the other woman about her work and the documents she consulted in her research.
Pride filled him. That Avril should make such an effort to put Hessa at ease when so many avoided her now. That showed a generosity of spirit that he admired. But it wasn’t just Hessa. Avril happily engaged with everyone from VIPs to market vendors, treating them all with courtesy and interest.
Yet concern overshadowed his pride. Something was wrong and he didn’t know what. It worried him, seeing her so on edge. Was Avril overwhelmed by her royal responsibilities? Or by the unfamiliarity of her new country?
Gently he squeezed her hand, signalling his support. But she didn’t respond.
Anxiety stirred in his belly. Whatever problems they’d faced, she’d never been indifferent to him.
‘It’s time for the official opening.’ His voice roughened. ‘If you’d like to come and help me cut the ribbon, Avril.’
‘Of course. This will be a first for me.’
Her lips curved into a wide smile. But it didn’t reach her eyes. Her gaze was curiously blank and fear feathered his nape.
He needed to get to the bottom of this. Today.
Two hours later he followed Avril into their sitting room. Despite his worries, his gaze lingered appreciatively as she crossed the room, hips swaying because of her high heels. Her dress, fitted around the upper body and skimming her hips and thighs, was modest, except he couldn’t help visualising her body beneath the gleaming silk.
His blood heated. Months living together had done nothing to assuage his need for her.
He struggled to focus on something other than his primal hunger for her. Calling on years of practice, Isam turned to assessing today’s event. Avril had been a huge success and not just with the attendees.
Zahdar’s fashion designers loved her, vying for the chance to dress her. It helped that she was gorgeous. But she also went out of her way to support local makers. That green silk had been manufactured by a new enterprise reinvigorating the old art of silk production. Even the pattern of the fabric was an advertisement for Zahdari design. The delicate white lilies grew in the mountains and were a symbol of his people.
‘Isam. You’re staring.’ She brushed her hands down her skirt, inadvertently drawing attention to the swell of her hips and the line of her thighs. ‘Is there something wrong with the dress?’
He shook his head and followed her further into the room, arousal stirring. But this wasn’t the time for sex. He turned to pour them cool drinks.
‘On the contrary. I was thinking it perfectly balances support for local industry with chic style. I applaud you on your choice.’
She was stunning, beautiful and utterly sexy.
He opened his mouth to tell her then paused. So often she brushed aside his compliments on her appearance as if not believing him. On the other hand she was anxious about measuring up to her new role and liked feeling competent. That gave her confidence.
He held out a glass to her, trying to stifle disappointment when she took it without even a brush of fingers against his.
‘Today was a resounding success, and you played a big part in that,’ he said when they were both seated. Again Avril distanced herself, choosing a chair instead of the sofa they’d shared so often.