Page 10 of Stolen Choices
“Go to hell. You stay the fuck away from me.”
Katia shifted into her tigress form. She couldn’t stand to have them staring lustfully at her naked human figure any longer. It was her body, and she wouldn’t let them take it from her again. It was cramped in the cage, but she thrashed and slashed at the magical bars with her claws, desperately trying to get out and attack anyone she could get to. Preferably Weston and then Nuka. She’d finally put an end to the devilish polar bear’s schemes. She wasn’t going to be a pawn in whatever game he was playing.
It was Ciaran who stepped up to the cage, and she tried to swipe at him. He lowered the magical bars around her, and as he did so, she used her strong hind legs to spring toward Weston with her mouth wide open, and her sharp canines ready to sink into the evil pimp. She didn’t make it, though. Weston clicked his fingers, and she fell to the floor in human form—her body had transformed without her consent. She tried to shift again and again, but every time Weston clicked his fingers, and she changed back to human.
“It’s perfect,” her tormenter congratulated Ciaran who was still standing behind her. She turned and snarled at him. However, she wasn’t as threatening in human form.
“Sit,” Ciaran commanded, and she felt her body disobeying her once again. She sat down on the floor with her knees tucked under her. Her hands found their way to her thighs, and she placed them there palms up. When she tried to move again, she found she couldn’t.
“Does she roll over as well?” Weston came to her and placed his hand on top of her head. Katia wanted to shake him off, but she couldn’t move, let alone shift.
“I’m sure if you ask nicely she’ll roll over and stick her fine backside up for you to fuck.” Ciaran chuckled and twisted his hand around in a circle. Her body maneuvered itself into exactly the position Ciaran had suggested. What was happening to her? Why had she no control over anything? Weston went around behind her and pushed his clothed hips up against her ass. There was nothing she could do to stop him. Her body was no longer her own. This was worse than last time. At least she could fight back before, and they couldn’t do this to her.
“What have you done to me?”
“Sit,” Nuka ordered, and Weston groaned as she changed position again. Weston flicked at one of her breasts instead, and she growled at him.
“No touching,” Nuka ordered, and Weston stepped back. “We have a business matter to conclude first. I’ve given you what you want. In fact, I’ve given you something even better. You now have a real toy who’ll do whatever you tell her to do but will also produce the tears and screaming of a sex slave.”
“You’re right, I suppose. I do have amazing control over her now. I can’t tell you how grateful I am to you for returning my best selling asset. I’ll keep her more closely guarded this time, but the spell will also help a great deal in controlling her.”
Katia watched as Weston pulled a package from the inside pocket of the jacket he was wearing and handed it to Nuka.
“I believe this is what you need.”
The old man in the chair got to his feet and walked over to Nuka and Ciaran. The three of them examined the contents of the package. It appeared to contain green leaves of some kind, but she didn’t know what type. Were they handing her over for drugs? Is that what they were buying? Surely Nuka had enough money to pay for any addiction he had? Knowing the kind of man he was, she was certain he wasn’t the sort to develop a weakness such as a drug addiction. No, the leaves were for something else—something vital in the fight against the humans. She looked at the older man standing directly next to Nuka, and it hit her who he was—Nuka and Kas’ grandfather.
“No.” She tried desperately to fight against the magic binding her, but it was too strong. She needed to warn Kas of the magic Nuka was messing with. He had reincarnated their grandfather. Her alpha would be in great danger with these two men scheming together.
“Time for us to go, I think,” Nuka and Kas’ grandfather spoke and motioned to where she sat on the floor, her eyes wide open with shock.
“What have you done?” Katia screamed. “This is dangerous magic, Nuka. It’ll come back to haunt you. When I tell Kas, he’ll destroy you. How could you do this to your family?”
“Because I have to!” Nuka exclaimed as he pounced on her and pulled her head up, so she was looking directly at him. A thin film of sweat gathered at the edges of his brow. It was a indication of the intense stress he was under. She could feel it emanating from every one of his pores, but only the shifters in the room would sense it.
“You’re a fake,” she shouted at him, and he slapped her hard across the face.
“No damaging her.” Weston interjected. “The clients like a clear face, so they can mark it themselves.”
“They’ll get what I choose to give them.” Nuka hit her again. It split her lip, and she tasted the metallic blood that flowed from it.
Out of the corner of her eye, she caught Jackson looking on at what was happening. He looked confused as if he couldn’t understand the scene unfolding before him. He rubbed at his temples. Nothing in this world Nuka Lincoln had created was unadulterated, not even the men loyal to him. Ciaran was controlling her body with magic, and she began to wonder if he also controlled the minds of Nuka’s pack. Creating unquestioning loyalty whenever it was needed. She was about to shout at Jackson but was stopped when Ciaran flicked his wrist and slammed her mouth shut. She couldn’t speak—her vocal cords were now restricted, along with her animal telepathy, and her ability to shift. She had no control over anything. She was officially a puppet to the evil masterminds in the room.
“Ciaran, we have what we need. I think it’s about time you helped Weston and Miss Morgan back to his premises. He has a client waiting for her, I believe.”
Katia gagged on the bile resting at the back of her throat. She was going back into hell, and this time she had the feeling she’d never escape again. As she and Weston disappeared from the room, her last vision was of Jackson, confusion still written all over his face.
Chapter Six
Jackson hadn’t expected the level of violence he’d just witnessed. He knew Nuka was especially rough with women but turned a blind eye to it on most occasions because Lynx was the normal recipient, and she enjoyed it.
Katia was different. She was gentle…fragile.
He wasn’t quite sure how he felt about seeing her being controlled and beaten. The way she’d looked at him—it seemed as if she was begging him to stop what was happening, but he couldn’t. Could he? She was the reason they now had the herbs and could continue with the plan to bring down the humans. Destroying them was the ultimate goal. No longer having to hide away in the shadows would be perfect—it was the kind of world they all needed to live in. But Katia had been hurt. She’d been controlled by magic, and it had been used to bind her. It sat uncomfortably with him.
A sharp, shooting pain erupted in his head, and he bent over at the waist, clutching his head in his hands.
“You ok?” Nuka patted him on the back.