Page 11 of Stolen Choices
Jackson stood up once the pain had dissipated. He felt dizzy.
“I’m fine. I think I’ve been cooped up for too long lately. I went for a run last night, but it obviously didn’t work. I’ll maybe head up to the mountains for a few days, really clear my head. If that’s ok of course?”
“Don’t go too far. Ciaran’s going to get started on preparing the spell at once. We’ll need you when it all goes down. A couple of days at the maximum, I think.”
“Of course.” Jackson lowered his head in deference to the alpha’s position over him. But rather than take his leave, he lingered when a thought popped into his head about an old friend he missed. “Are we going after Lily? The wolf pack have had her for a long time now. Isn’t it about time we got her back?”
“Why?” Nuka took a seat on a large sofa in the corner of the room, spreading himself out over the seat.
“She’s a part of our pack. She belongs with us.”
Nuka exhaled a deep breath from him nose.
“I’m afraid she’s a lost cause. She’s a traitor and has paired with the wolf alpha and a human.”
“A human?” Jackson couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Lily hated humans almost as much as he did. “You must be mistaken. They’re holding her captive.”
Nuka shook his head.
“There was a vote in the wolf pack. She’s now the alpha’s mate. Tainted with his scent and with a tattoo of the human’s name.” Nuka clapped his hands, and the door opened again, and three naked girls were thrown into the room by other members of the pack. “It doesn’t matter, though. We have new entertainment—courtesy of Weston.”
The girls huddled together, partly for warmth in the cold air but also for strength. Jackson could smell the fear coming from them. Each was covered in bruises, and were gaunt in appearance as if they hadn’t eaten in days. However, it was the dark circles around their eyes that caught his attention the most. The girls looked dead. It seemed to Jackson that their bodies were there, but their minds had long since gone.
Nuka’s grandfather went to one of the girls and pulled her away from the others. He threw her toward Jackson who caught her and held her by the shoulders. She kicked out at him, and her hand turned to that of a lion’s paw, but before the rest of her body could also shift, she was prevented from doing so by Ciaran simply uttering the word, “Sit.”
It was the same spell that had been placed upon Katia. All the girls fell to their knees. Their eyes wide with shock as their bodies betrayed what their minds were willing them to do.
“I think this new spell you discovered is my favorite, Ciaran.” Nuka looked at one of the girls and beckoned her with his finger. She got to her feet and went to sit on his lap. The frightened look in her eyes and whimpered pleas told Jackson that it wasn’t voluntarily. “I much prefer getting my dick wet with fresh pussy that isn’t likely to attack me. Don’t you agree, Jackson?”
“Yes,” he replied, but the word didn’t register in his brain. It was as if his mouth was being controlled by something or someone else.
“Why don’t you stick your dick down her throat?” Nuka pointed at the girl sitting in front of Jackson. She had tears streaming down her face. He couldn’t do it, though. No matter what his body wanted, or whatever was controlling his body wanted, his brain was still in charge.
He allowed his panther self to take over and shifted. He looked back over his shoulder as Nuka’s grandfather placed his hand on the head of the girl Jackson had just been offered. Ciaran had pulled another one into his arms. He knew what would happen next, and he wasn’t prepared to watch. The pain in his head pounded so badly now he felt as if he might collapse. Escaping was the only thing for it. He rushed out of the house and didn’t stop running for what seemed like many miles. Something wasn’t right with him, but he couldn’t put his finger on exactly what. All he wanted was revenge on the humans for killing his parents. He didn’t want the suffering of shifters he was witnessing. They were all the same breed as far as he was concerned, each as valuable as the other. This wasn’t part of the deal he’d signed up for.
Jackson transformed back to his human form and screamed at the top of his voice. It echoed through the mountains surrounding him. Flocks of birds flew up into the sky and scattered, fearing what was coming for them. Eventually everything quietened, and his head stopped pounding. He was able to think straight for a few minutes. Jackson’s thoughts immediately went to Katia. He realized there was only one thing he could do. Nuka had his herbs, and rescuing the tigress would absolve him of the guilt he was oddly feeling about her.
His job was to know everything about the Glacial Blood pack, and he did, even more than he’d told Nuka. He knew the whereabouts of the one person who could save Katia. He’d still be able to get his revenge on the humans, but he’d also be able to free the tigress. Nuka had said not to go far, which was fine because he didn’t need to. He shifted back to his panther form and set off, jumping over the rocks toward the man he sought.
Chapter Seven
“Do you know how wonderful it is to have you back, Miss Morgan. I lost so many clients when you were taken away from me. I’ve made provisions to keep you better hidden this time, though.” Weston patted Katia on the head like she was a pet to him.
She was determined to figure out a way to break the spell and destroy him. Living with Jessica had taught her one thing: magic was not infallible. There was an automatic fail-safe built into all spells to render them void in case of misuse or corruption on the part of the person casting them. She just needed to find the key to it in Ciaran’s spell. The druid was up his own backside with pride about his abilities, so it would be something inconsequential he’d overlooked. A minute detail but one that would set her free. She just needed to find it and soon.
In the meantime, she would continue to ignore Weston no matter what he did to her. She wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of seeing her breakdown at being back here again.
Weston moved around to stand in front of her. "I think it’s time we started testing the spell. See how well you will obey me."
Katia watched in disgust as Weston opened the front of his pants and pulled his dick out. At least she took a little comfort in knowing it was one of the smallest she’d ever seen.
She tried her hardest not to obey the command, but she had no choice. Her mouth opened, and she waited for Weston to thrust his cock down her throat. He didn’t, though. He just stood there with a massive grin on his face. “I don’t think I could be any happier than I am at this moment. To have my greatest ever asset under my complete control is perfect. I’m beyond grateful your father ran up his debts. Everything worked out perfectly.”
Weston tucked his dick back in his pants, and leaning forward, he grabbed her chin and pulled her head up, so she was looking directly at him.
“My toy forever. Welcome to the rest of your life, Miss Morgan.”