Page 29 of Stolen Choices
She could do this. Surprisingly the mental breakdown she felt last time she was here wasn’t happening to her again. She felt energized and much stronger this time. A certain knowledge that she would eventually get out of here and destroy Weston, once and for all, inhabited her brain. Maybe it was a false hope, but she wasn’t going to stop believing. If she did, she’d have nothing left except for the memory of her kiss with Jackson and thoughts of what might have been. Their intimacy had scared her at first, but his warmth and spicy scent had invaded her senses. It had mingled with a strange certainty in her mind that she was intended for him. Fate had a screwed up way of offering her a path to happiness she wasn’t sure she would be able to take, but from the moment her tongue twisted with Jackson’s, she’d felt alive for the first time since her father had brought her here. She clung to that thought as she was pushed forward into the private room.
The lights were dimmed, but she could easily make out the four men, humans from the smell of them, sitting in smart suits at the bar. Each had a short drink in their hand and looked over toward her when she stumbled into the room. Natural instinct took over, and she snarled at them.
“Behave. Stand still,” Weston ordered. She gave another low growl in response as unwillingly she obeyed his command.
“It really is a beautiful sound. Please, she can growl all she wants. It gets me even harder,” one of the men, a man in his late forties with a protruding stomach, said as he finished his drink and slid from his chair. He had a scar down the side of his face. Katia instantly recognized it as an animal scratch. This clearly wasn’t his first time here. At least someone had got to him, shame they hadn’t gone for the throat. “You were certainly right when you said she was beautiful, Weston. Her pure alabaster skin will mark beautifully. What animal did you say she was?”
“A tigress—part tiger on her father’s side and lioness on her mother’s. When she shifts her fur is white with stripes. Her face is more lioness than tiger. It’s a stunning mix.” Weston stepped forward to greet the men with a handshake. Per his order, she remained rooted to the spot.
“And you say she’s controlled by magic?” the man with the scar questioned.
“Yes.” Weston turned to face her. “Katia, on your knees.”
She tried to fight it, but her body lowered her to the floor, and she presented herself to the men in a slave pose. Thankfully she could bow her head, so she didn’t have to look at them.
“I like this new control you have. Much better than a cattle prod, less chance of us getting hurt.” A different voice spoke this time.
She flicked her eyes upward to see who it was. The second man was shorter than the first but trimmer. He had beady eyes and a receding hairline he’d combed over to the side. It was a pet peeve of hers—it always made her want to shave the stupid bit of hair off.
“You have to be careful of what you say, and don’t allow her freedom of movement. You have to give very specific instructions. There is no room for error, hence the cattle prods at the side of the bar.”
“Noted.” The man with poor hairstyle choices nodded his agreement.
“I’d like to see her animal form,” a third man requested.
Katia didn’t even bother to look at him. She knew that each of them would be as foul as the previous one. It was the reason they chose to come here. No sensible woman would allow them to put their dicks anywhere near them. Paying for sex was the only hope they had of getting off unless they were well acquainted with their hand.
“Katia, change please,” Weston ordered. For a few seconds, she was able to control herself and didn’t move. “Katia,” Weston commanded with more force in his voice this time, and her body could no longer disobey him.
Her bones started to adjust their shape, cracking and reforming into those of her animal form. The skin over her body disappeared to be replaced with white and black striped fur. Her nails changed to claws, and fangs grew in her mouth. She got up from her knees and onto all fours as an animal would stand. She didn’t move. She couldn’t, despite the fact she wanted to lash out at the man controlling her movements.
“Fuck me! She’s beautiful,” the fourth man finally spoke.
“I agree she is, but we definitely won’t be fucking you.” The first man clapped his friend on the back. “We’ll be fucking her.”
The man with the comb-over approached her.
“I want to stroke her, if that’s permitted?” he asked Weston.
“You can do whatever you want. I’ve been paid, the rest of the evening is for you to entertain yourselves with her.”
The low growl reverberated in her throat again.
Comb-over stepped backward. “You sure she can’t attack me.”
“Katia, you can’t move,” Weston ordered her again.
Her growl grew louder as she felt her body stiffen, and the spell planted her firmly to the floor. The next thing she knew, she felt the man’s hands over her body, stroking down one side and then back up the other. She couldn’t even swish her tail to flick him away, let alone open her mouth to turn and bite his hand off.
“She’s so soft. Almost like a domestic cat but much more powerful.”
“Move over.” She wasn’t sure who spoke this time, but she felt more hands on her body.
“Jesus, she’s amazing. I can’t wait to fuck something so powerful.”
“Will any of you want to fuck her in animal form?” Weston questioned.
The room fell silent. It wouldn’t be the first time it had happen to her.