Page 30 of Stolen Choices
“No, human,” they all answered in unison.
“We’re not sick or anything.”
Katia begged to differ. They were paying to take her against her will. In human or animal form, it made no difference—there was still no consent.
Comb-over man came around to the front of her. He was getting brave now. He ran his hand over her face. She itched to open her strong jaw and clamp it shut around his disgusting appendage, but she couldn’t.
“Show me the claws on your left paw,” he ordered her.
He’d just given her permission to move her paw and more specifically her claws. He hadn’t told her not to hurt him. Just to move it and show him…she was going to do that all right, and more.
Before Weston had a chance to stop her, she lifted her paw and flexed her claws so they were primed. Next she used her superior strength and ripped them down comb-over’s head and face. He screamed in agony, and the others all jumped back.
“Katia freeze!” Weston shouted urgently.
Her paw was still midair, and she had no choice but to balance on three legs.
“Fucking bitch,” one of the other men screamed as they went to check on their friend who was rolling around on the floor with blood pooling in his hands. Katia hoped she’d gotten his eyes and damaged the retinas, so he’d lose his sight as well. Her face would have been the last thing he ever saw. It would haunt him forever. Her victory was short lived, though. A cattle prod was thrust into her side, again and again. Her skin burned, and she was forced over onto her side.
“Turn back to human,” Weston screamed. Her body changed, and she was left even more vulnerable to the effects of the cattle prod against her bare flesh without her fur to protect her. “Stop,” Weston ordered the man with the cattle prod, as a medical team ran into the room and started to examine comb-over. Weston retrieved the prod and sent it flying across the room. “That’s enough!” Weston shouted and the whole room froze in silence except for the whimpers of the injured man.
“She needs to be punished. Look what she’s done.” The first man who was obviously the leader of the group stomped across to where the medical team was giving comb-over an anesthetic to numb the pain. They’d pulled his hands away from his face, and Katia was able to see the damage she’d done. There were four deep red lines drawn down his face—one of them passed straight through his right eye. Blood flowed from them. Katia couldn’t have been happier. The man would be permanently scarred for life.
“You will punish her with your dicks. That is the only way to teach her.” Weston’s comment drew her out of her inner victory party. “I’ll punish her with a beating later, but ultimately it was your friend’s fault. I warned you all about being careful with what you said. These are wild animals, and you sign a waiver to say you understand that when you come in here. You mess with them at your own peril. It’s the risk you take, and it’s the reason why the high you get from fucking them is so good.”
The first man stomped over to her. His brow was furrowed, the rage coursing through his body evident in the red tints coloring his cheeks.
“You will not change into an animal again while I’m in this room.”
She didn’t answer him. She just stared at him while clutching her burned side.
“You will not attack me under any circumstances, ever!”
She itched to lash out, but she was commanded by the spell.
“Nor will you attack my friends.”
The two other un-injured men came into view.
“You will get up on all fours and show me your ass.” Her body betrayed her and moved into the position she’d been ordered to get into.
“We’re going to take it in turns, animal. We’re going to fuck you until you’re the one bleeding. One in your mouth, one in your ass, and the other in your pussy. We won’t be gentle. We’ll take everything from you. Rip you open and cover you in our cum. We’ll show you that your species is inferior to ours. That what you did to our friend has consequences. You’ll be left ruined forevermore.
Katia tried to shut her mind off. The punishment she was about to receive was likely to break her. She stared past the men as they lowered their trousers. Weston stepped over to the side of the room and watched what was about to unfold. She even blocked him out, going to the place she always went when she needed to escape. This time she wasn’t alone, though. Jackson was there in her head waiting for her. He stepped forward and pressed his lips against hers.
“Everything will be all right. You have my word.”
Chapter Seventeen