Page 74 of Iron Heart
I rear back and spit in Bama’s fucking face.
“You watch your back, you son of a bitch,” I snarl.
I turn back to the table and throw myself back into my seat. “Okay. Go.”
Axel looks from me to Bama. Shaking his head in disgust, he turns to Yoda. “The phone,” he mutters.
Yoda nods once and takes out Dom’s burner, pushing it across the table to me. I grab it and hold it up.
“Dom left this burner in his room,” I announce, waving it in the air. “He left it out in the open, for me to find. I know that because he put my name in as the passcode. There’s a GPS app on here showing a location of another phone connected to it. I think it’s Dom’s phone. I think he meant to give me a way to find him, in case something happened.”
For a moment, no one talks as they weigh my words. Finally, Ranger speaks up.
“Okay. So, we’re thinking if that’s where Dom is, it’s probably where Tori is, too.”
“That’s the theory.”
“We’re goin’ in, then.”
I look at Axel, who nods grimly. “That’s the plan. Go in, take out as many of them as we can, pull out Dom and Tori.”
“And then?” Bama challenges.
Axel gives him a hard look. “Then we figure out what Dom’s role in this is. And if necessary, the club will decide on consequences.”
He glances at me, and I nod. I know what will have to be done, if Dom’s found guilty.
“Meantime, we concentrate on getting thembothout,” Axel stresses. We don’t know how many Caballeros there will be at the location, so we gotta be ready. We’ll need as many men as we can spare. Yoda, you’ll stay here in case we need some tech support.” He pauses. “Mal, you’re stayin’ here too.” He nods at Mal’s arm, which is still in a cast.
“Fuck,” Mal grumbles.
“Everyone else,” Axel continues, turning back to the rest of us, “you’re coming with me.” He looks around the table.
Everyone nods. We’re all in.
“Okay, then. Get ready to saddle up. The Caballeros don’t know who the fuck they’re dealin’ with. But they just made it personal.” His face spreads into a malicious grin. “Let’s go fuck them up.”
My blood turns to ice.
“What?” I whisper at Dominic, horrified.
“We have to get you out of here, Tori. I know you don’t trust me. But you don’t have a choice,” he repeats. “Tell me. Are you strong enough to walk, maybe to run?”
I don’t let myself hesitate. “Yes.”
“Okay.” He drops to his knees and starts pulling at the duct tape. Where I couldn’t even begin to find the edge, he’s ripped through a good chunk of it in seconds. Soon, my legs are freed.
“Move your ankles around. Make sure your legs aren’t asleep.”
I do as he says.
“What’s the plan?” I ask breathlessly.
“There isn’t one. You run. We hope you get out before they shoot us.”