Page 75 of Iron Heart
“Shouldn’t we wait for…”
“What?” Dominic challenges.
“I don’t know…”Dante, my mind screams. But I know it’s irrational, crazy, to hope he’ll be able to save us. “The right moment?” I say instead.
“Maybe. But there’s no guarantee there will be one.” He frowns, shakes his head. “I tried to get a message to Dante, but I thought he’d be here by now.”
“Does he know where we are?” I ask, my voice going squeaky with hope.
“I don’t know. Maybe.” Dominic pauses, looking somber. “But we can’t wait for that, when there’s no way to know. And I don’t think they’re going to wait much longer to —.”
He cuts himself off before he can finish. I open my mouth to ask him what he was going to say, but a shiver runs down my spine as I realize what I think he means.
“Why?” I whisper. “Dominic. Why wouldn’t they give us back, if the Lords do what they say?”
“The Lords aren’t going to be intimidated by idle threats, Tori.” He pierces me with a look. “They don’t back down. Ever. These guys, they know that. The only shot they have at getting the Lords to do what they want them to is to show the Lords know they mean business.” Dominic swallows. “The only way to show the Lords they mean business is…”
He trails off. But he doesn’t need to finish.
“So we need to save ourselves,” I croak.
Dominic nods.
“They think I’m on their side,” he breathes. “Or at least, they think they have enough leverage on me that I won’t dare go against them. That’s why I’m able to come and go up here.”
“What leverage do they have on you?”
“That doesn’t matter.” Dominic pushes my question away. “The point is, they know I know they’ll kill me if I betray them. They’ve made sure I know that going against them is a death sentence. So they won’t expect it.”
“Then how —”
“You’re going to escape.” He cuts me off, nodding toward the window. “Now. I’m going to go down there and distract them in the back of the house. There’s a guard in the front, just inside the door, but if you’re very quiet and careful, you can slip out and down the side. Just be careful as hell not to make any noise, and not to go by any windows.” Dominic pauses. “We’re on the third floor of this house. So it’s not gonna be easy. But you can do it.”
Third floor. I’m guessing that’s why they didn’t tie me up as carefully as they could have.
“But Dominic, when they figure out I’m gone, won’t they know you helped me?”
“Don’t worry about me,” he cuts me off. “I’m gonna be fine.”
“But you said they would kill us both!”
“Tori…” My name comes out hoarse. He clears his throat. “I’ve done some bad shit. Shit that, once the Lords of Carnage find out, they won’t be able to excuse.”
“But Dante wouldn’t —”
He shakes his head. “It ain’t Dante I’m worried about. But I wouldn’t blame him for anything, no matter what happened. I’ve betrayed him, Tori. I betrayed my own brother.” His voice goes rough again. “At least I can do what I can to save the woman he loves.”
“He doesn’t love me, Dominic!” I protest.
“Like hell he doesn’t!” In spite of everything, Dominic chuckles softly. “I’m not sure if he knows it yet, but he’s always been a slow learner. He’s head over heels for you, babe. And frankly, I think you feel the same way about him.” He pauses, looking grim. “The best thing I can do right now is to give my big brother a ghost of a chance to figure it out with you. So, I’m gonna take my chances here, and you’re gonna escape. Got it?”
Oh my God. We’re doing thisnow? Right now?”
“Um…” I lift my hand to my face, noting that it’s trembling. “Dominic, what if…”
“Don’t think,” he says urgently. “No more what ifs. Just do it. You can do this, Tori.”