Page 56 of A Cursed Noel
I cup her face andsmash our lips together. The move is quick and fierce, moreanimalistic than anything my human half has ever performed. But it’sthe silkiness behind my touch and the uninhibited desire I feel thatsends my pulse racing.
Her hands slide to holdmy face as our kiss intensifies. My fingers drag down her back tofind the edge off her long-sleeved shirt. I pull it off her in onemove, her long hair fanning her shoulders in a soft cascade. My skin,so alive with her this close to me, heats further when I tear off myshirt and it hits the floor.
Celia rises, goosebumpsspreading along her flat stomach as her hips sway back and forth andshe shifts out of her jeans. I stand, gripping her waist and liftingher so her legs lock around me. She tightens her hold, moaning as Inibble her skin, and slide a finger down the rear of her thong.
I tug it, teasing herand teasing me. Just one hard pull. That’s all it will take to ridher of it and take that final step. Will she deny me? I hope not. Butany harm to her will crush me that much more.
A growl escapes my lipswhen she drags her nails down my back and rocks her pelvis againstmine.
My voice is raspy,hardening like the rest of me. “Tell me how to make you feel good,”I whisper.
It’s all she says.Maybe it’s all she knows.
I don’t know what I’mdoing, either. I’m merely listening to her body to show me how toplease her.
Her back arches as Itrail soft and not so soft kisses down her throat. The heat simmeringbetween us is more than I can take. I kick out of my boots andcarelessly strip out of my socks and shirt. My jeans remain, so do myboxers. Those are hers to remove when and if she’s ready.
I hope she’s ready. Iam.
I don’t mean to ripher clothes off—never mind, yes, I do. My kisses sweep over theswell of her breasts. My teeth, they find the center of her bra. Ipull hard. It’s a playful move and more than enough.
The fabric tears andher breasts fall free. For a moment I merely breathe her in, takingthese last few bits of time to worship her sensual form.
Her panties are now allshe has left.
Yet it’s too much forwhat I want to do to her.
I kiss her again beforeflicking my tongue over her breasts. My teeth graze each tip,tightening them further.
Celia’s grunts, hereyes alternating between hers and her beast’s. “You haveexperience,” she rasps.
“No,” I answertruthfully. “All I know is how bad I want you.”
She fumbles to removewhat remains of her bra. I lower her, sliding off her panties as Itrace a path with my tongue past her belly. She shudders, reachingfor me to balance, and nearly falling over when I bury my facebetween her thighs.
Celia whimpers, thesounds of our lovemaking become more pronounced as I taste her softflesh. I hold her sides to keep her in place. She jolts, screamingwhen I find a good rhythm.
I lift my head, myheart hammering my ribcage with how much I need to be inside her.“Tell me to stop,” I say, hoping she doesn’t deny me.
I’ll stop. I swear Iwill if she tells me.
But like me, she’sready.
She threads her fingersthrough my hair and shakes her head. “There’s nothing I won’tlet you do to me.”
She urges me to stand,guiding me to her bedroom as the Christmas tree lights paint her bareform. We’re only just inside her room when her hand disappears inmy jeans and…
One slow stroke followsanother.
And another.
She quickens hermotions, watching me clamp my jaw with the increasing force of herpulls. I reach for the condoms and toss them on the bed. I try tolead us there except she drops to her knees and takes me in hermouth.
My head spins, hertouch, her aroma of water misting across roses,everythingabout her makes me lose it. I reach toward the bed to retrieve acondom. She stops me with another deep taste and slides one in place.
I lift her, kissing heras I place her on her bed.