Page 40 of Blood Bonds
“May I take your jacket?”
This was something Victor didn’t allow, because he quickly insisted, “Allow me.”
Then he came to my shoulders and just like last night, he removed my jacket. Doing so with his middle fingers extended enough so he could run his fingers down my arm as he peeled away the thick material. Shamefully, it also meant that he could feel my shiver when doing so.
He handed the man my jacket and with a hand on the small of my back, started to lead me to what I gathered was his usual table. It was set for two and in the most secluded part of the restaurant, where it was portioned off and looked to be a VIP area.
“Thank you,” I said, blushing as he pulled my chair out for me, doing what the waiter never got the chance to do. I had never in all my life been treated like this by a man before and it kept making me feel like I was living a fairytale moment.
“This place is amazing,” I told him, looking around in awe, and seeing the painting better now. The Gods all with their statuesque bodies, with rippling muscle on show and golden weapons in their hands all aimed at the enemies. It looked as if it had been painted by a master artist.
“I am glad you like it. Have you ever eaten Greek food before?” he asked, after nodding for the waiter to give us a minute.
“I haven’t, no, but I am excited to try it,” I admitted, surprising myself because now that I was inside, I was far too intrigued to let my previous worries ruin the experience.
“That makes me happy to hear. But may I make a suggestion?”
I finally stopped looking around the place and taking it all in to focus on Victor.
“Sure,” I told him.
“Would you allow me to order for the both of us and have the chef prepare some of my favorites?”
I grinned big at that, an expression he mirrored because, clearly, he liked making me happy.
“Yes, that’s a great idea. ‘Cause God only knows what I would end up ordering and, well, it’s clear you speak the language. So, is that where you’re from then, Greece?” I asked, speaking way too fast and making those handsome lines at the corners of his eyes deepen as he tried to hide his grin behind the hand that rubbed his jawline.
“I am originally from Greece, yes,” he told me, and with his dark hair and slightly tanned skin, I could see it.
“What does the name of this place mean?” I asked, noticing the gold lettering on the menu and tracing the fancy lines with my fingertip.
At this he repeated the word in a sexy way, a rumbled word that made me want to hear it being whispered in my ear.
Especially when he told me what it meant.
“…It means, Heart.”
Chapter 16
A Brother’s Appetite
“…It means, Heart,”he said, and I took a quick breath in surprise, responding the only way I knew how without giving away my feelings.
“Oh,”I said in a small whisper, my own heart hammering faster within my chest. Every minute I was here felt more dangerous than the one before it because I knew I was falling for this man. A man I knew so very little about. Well, there was only one way of changing that. I could either run from the potential heartache, or I could spend each day with him hoping that it never came.
Once more, the waiter appeared and Victor spoke Greek to him, ordering our food and only stopping long enough to ask me what wine I liked.
“I don’t have that much experience in wine,” I answered honestly, despite feeling embarrassed by the admission.
“Then let’s change that,” he said, grinning because, clearly, the lack of my culinary expertise didn’t put him off. Then he once more started speaking in Greek, ordering what I imagined was from his extensive knowledge of the drink.
“Is Greek your favorite thing to eat?” I asked once the waiter had left with our order and, for some reason, his eyes grew heated as he looked at my neckline.
“No…it’s not,”he replied and, Christ, I thought I would start panting with the way he looked at me. It was like I was the only one he wanted on the menu tonight. The true meal he wanted to gorge himself on.
The thought had me thinking back to the Vampire I was still obsessing about. Something that should have been impossible in sight of this man. How could I still be thinking about the man who I only knew as Mr. Erebus, the Vampire who sank his fangs into me, when here was Victor, playing the perfect gentleman and bestowing his undivided attention on me? It didn’t seem logical at all, but facts were facts, and I couldn’t deny the truth of how I felt.