Page 41 of Blood Bonds
It was a dangerous fantasy indeed to want them both.
“Although, I do confess, it is a comfort my brother and I enjoy, as it often takes us back to our roots,” Victor said, replying to my question while my head was in the dirty, double duo clouds.
“I feel like that when eating a Philly cheesesteak, but you can’t beat the ones from back home,” I said, my mouth watering at just the thought of the iconic meal Pennsylvania was known for.
“Do you go back often?” he asked, and I nearly choked on my water. He merely waved off my apology before I answered.
“No, never.”
“Bad memories?” he guessed, and because it made me uncomfortable to talk about it, I just told him,
“Something like that.”
When he didn’t speak, I knew it was because he was waiting for me to give him more. So, I released a heavy sigh.
“No point going back when there is nothing to go back to.” I shrugged.
“Someone once told me that you can’t ever reach what’s in front of you if you can’t first let go of what is behind.”
My eyes widened at this because it was like his gift, always knowing what to say.
“Smart man,” I said, not only referring to thissomeonehe spoke of.
“He was, it is just unfortunate that it didn’t stay that way,” he replied solemnly, and I would have asked him about it had the waiter not chosen that moment to bring us our drinks.
“Is that champagne?” I asked after the cork was popped.
“It is… why? Do you not like it?”
I blushed at this and decided to be honest.
“I don’t know, I have never had it before.”
The waiter filled our glasses, and I took hold of my own and watched as the golden bubbles fizzled to the top in long, mesmerizing streams.
“Then I am honored that your first time will be with me,” he replied, lifting his glass and making me do the same. Once again, he knew exactly what to say. Then I took a sip, and my eyes widened the second the flavor burst across my tongue.
“Is it to your liking?” he asked, and when I started nodding eagerly, he chuckled. His easy grin was one I was getting addicted to seeing.
“It’s delicious.”
Again, for some reason his eyes gave me their intense attention before he agreed, “It is indeed.”
I cleared my throat and tried not to squirm under his penetrating gaze, and instead asked,
“So, you are a restaurant owner, who knows self-defense… anything else I need to know?”
His answer surprised me.
“Oh, there are many things you need to know, Nessa, but let’s walk first before we can swim.”
I laughed nervously and said, “Isn’t the saying, to walk before you can run?”
“Ah, but there will be no running for you, little Firefly,” he replied and even though it was said in a teasing tone, I couldn’t help but question if there was an element of truth behind the words.
After all, he had forced me on this date as, let’s just say, the guy didn’t exactly know how to take the hint. No, he most definitely seemed like the type of man that knew what he wanted and simply took it. Making me unable to stop questioning,was that what he was doing with me?
Was he taking what he wanted?