Page 28 of Wire
St_Margarita: Yes, smart ass. Anyway, I’ve been thinking…
Beretta_Penn: Hope you didn’t hurt yourself.
St_Margarita: Har. Har. If we’re both single at 29 I say we get married.
Beretta_Penn: You do know that we don’t know anything about each other right?
St_Margarita: We know everything about each other. And I’m sure I can look past you being gross because I like your personality.
Beretta_Penn: The charm you exude is almost suffocating.
St_Margarita: So? What do you say? Marry me at 29?
Beretta_Penn: Will saying yes make you stop talking nonsense?
St_Margarita: Never.
Beretta_Penn: Yes.
Marx slams his gavel on the table, and before he can even get Church started Rider butts in.
“Nice bracelet you have on there, Pres.” He sends a shit-eating smirk in Marx’s direction and we all sit silently waiting to see what he’s going to do. Especially with his VP and blood brother staring at him.
“It’s from Chewy. Jealous you didn’t get one?” Marx smirks back, bushy brows raised waiting for the penny to drop. He watches as Rider looks around the table to see every brother, other than him and Rhodie, all have their friendship bracelets on display. Once it dawns on Rider, he splutters, and Marx’s grin grows wider.
“What the fuck!? How did you all get them and I didn’t? Rhodie, why the fuck don’t you have one?” Rider demands, spinning to eyeball Rhodie, who shrugs.
“I’m her boyfriend. I don’t need a best friend bracelet. I get blow jobs.”
Rider frowns at him before jabbing his finger at me. “What about you? How the hell did you get one before me? We all know I’m Chewy’s bestie!”
“Well, Marx is her ultimate best friend. This is my ‘Best Tech Friend and Almost Brother bracelet’.”
Tank raises his hand. “I’m her Best Big Friend.”
Followed by Sniper “Best Shooter Friend.”
Soon, it goes around the room “Best Dr. Friend.” “Best Road Captain Friend,” “Best Group Sex friend. Although that’s tied with Fox.” Nitro says, before Fox holds up his wrist to show that their colors match.
“What the fuck,” Rider whispers out as everyone shows him theirs. It turns out that in Chewy’s world, you only have one best friend. If you like anyone else they have to be in their own category. Remy is her Best Vagina Friend which means she got a bright pink bracelet. Ana doesn’t count because she’s in the Best Sister in Law category.
“Rider, stop sulking.” Marx shoots at him with yet another smirk on his face. “Brothers, we have a few things to cover today. First off, I’m sure you have all heard that Hammer’s contact in the Bratva was Ivan. Roman dealt with him after squeezing him for information.” Marx frowns and blows out a breath. “Hammer is smuggling drugs inside girls, then selling them both.”
A series of curses go around the table.
“I have Wire, Remy and Chewy on it trying to find anything regarding these girls. How he’s transporting them, where he’s getting them, where they are now so we can rescue them.” Marx looks around the table.
“I’ve had my ear to the ground and Jules has asked his people. No one has heard anything on our streets. I’m thinking of heading to the next towns over. See if they’ve heard anything. After the ass kicking we gave them, Hammer would have to be a special kind of stupid to be taking girls off our streets.” Judge says.
“I agree. My team has found nothing that says he’s doing anything other than laying fucking low and regrouping.” I look around at my brothers, who are all in agreement.
“Take Sniper, Tank and Fox with you. Ferret out any information you can. We can’t do anything to shut Hammer down until we know more. Fuck.” Marx runs a hand down his face and nods once at Judge before leaning forward, resting his thick forearms on the table.
“Second point of business. Tav has spoken to me about prospecting. Has anyone got any reservations taking him on?” He looks around the table and none of the brothers look worried.
“I have no concerns. I’ve seen what that family can do. Tav is easygoing, and the most normal in that whole ass family. I’m good with it.” Rider says, waiting to see if anyone has anything else to say.