Page 29 of Wire
When no one has anything to add Marx takes it as time to call a vote. “All in favor?”
Ayes go around the table, and Marx nods his head. “Good. He’ll need a sponsor. Rhodie is his brother-in-law, so he’s out.”
“I’ll sponsor him.” Tank taps the table. Marx looks thoughtful for a split second before he agrees. It’ll be a good match. Tav is open, thoughtful and eager to please. Tank is solid, dependable and one of the most patient people I’ve ever met. They’ll get on well.
“Next point of business. Keep a lookout for fuckers hanging around the businesses. Tank and Sniper have caught one sneaking around the tow yard. Action plan is to grab the prick and find out what he wants. Stay alert and feed back anything that doesn’t look right.” He swings his gaze around the table to make sure we are all on board. “Right. We’re done here.”
Marx slams down the gavel, effectively dismissing us. We file out of church, pick up our phones, and head for the bar. Well, my brothers do. I head straight back to the control center. I have shitto do. It’s been days with no trace of Hammer, the drugs he stole, or the girls he’s trafficking. I need to find something, anything, before I go fucking insane.
Heading down the hall, I can hear Chewy chatting away. Is that Remy? The husky tone that goes straight to my balls is the same, but this voice is stronger, less of a whisper.
“- and then he felt my boob. It took him ages to find my nipples and then he twiddled them like he was tuning one of those old radios!” Chewy’s laugh drifts down the hall. “He couldn’t even get it up because he was too drunk, so he tried to put his soft member inside me and it didn’t work. That’s why I’m still a virg-”
“Whoa whoa whoa, what the hell?” I ask Remy, who goes bright red and giggles. My gaze swings toward Chewy briefly before I do a double take. “Why is your hair wet?”
Remy is boneless in her chair, her arms drooping over the armrests. Chewy is sitting beside her with wet hair. Both have a still shot of Fox and Nitro’s garage on the big screen.
Chewy eyes me for a moment before shrugging. “I accidentally blew up some folks and I’m fairly certain Remy is high from Mama Debs’ special brownie. Oh, and also, that skinny gross dude that works at Devil Riders Garage has been palming the cash payments.”
My head spins to the screen she’s pointing at, Remy lumbers forward, slaps her hand on the keyboard to hit play and I watch as this fucker blatantly takes the cash the customer hands over to him and puts it straight in his pocket.
“Fuck, I’ll let Marx know and get someone to bring him in.”
“CHEWY WHY THE FUCK IS THERE AN ARM ON MY ROOF?” Marx bellows down the hall. And Remy breaks into another fit of giggles.
Chewy is most definitely certifiably nuts and a genius in equal measure. After we caught that guy stealing cash, Marx sent two of the brothers to go pick him up while the rest of us stayed here listening to Chewy explain to Marx why there was an arm on the roof. And various other body parts lying around. There was science and history rolled into her explanation and in the end Marx massaged his temples and told her to clean it up and figure out a better way to get rid of bodies. One that doesn’t entail them exploding.
On the upside, watching Chewy in the hot seat sobered me up fast. Now I’m standing in a rather cheery room in the back shed waiting for Chewy to question the skinny gross dude from the garage.
I have heard stories of what Chewy can do, but I’ve not seen it with my own eyes. Savage, Dex and Dad told me a little of what they’ve seen and they sounded very impressed. Maybe even a little scared. Which makes me laugh because they’re all really huge tough bikers and Chewy is, well, she’s Chewy.
Wire tried to convince me to stay behind, but I very strongly pointed out that I may be quiet, but I’m not sheltered. I may have also poked him in the chest. His very hard chest. He wasn’thappy, but he conceded as long as I stood where he could keep an eye on me. So I’m on the other side of the room, in prime viewing location for whatever Chewy has planned.
“Chewy, for the love of all that’s fucking holy, can you get on with this without us having to listen to Now That’s What I Call Music?” Marx runs a hand down his face, before kicking the leg of the man tied to a chair in the middle of the room over what looks to be a drain. “Stop fucking whining.”
The man snivels a little more, but at least he’s doing it quietly.
“Bestie, I can definitely do that for you. Babe? Mind putting on Ultimate 2000s for me, please?” Chewy smiles sweetly at her man, tipping her head back and puckering her lips for a kiss. Rhodie obliges, pats her ass, and the frantic beats of Ricky Martin fill the space.
“Fuck me” is groaned out and I’m not sure which brother it was. I’ve been here for over two months now and I’ve gotten to know all the brothers, just not by their groans. Oh wait, that sounds wrong. Not like that. I cringe internally. I can feel my cheeks heating and hope no one else notices. Tipping my head forward, I let my hair cover my face. Thank the stars my sister Sunny talked me into getting a bob cut with a fringe. Even if Hammer didn’t like it. That sends me back to my earlier thoughts, and it makes me wince. Wire frowns at me, his head tipping to the side. I shake my head at him and send him a tight smile. And a thumbs up for good measure.
Looking around the room, I catalog the men. None of them are looking at me, of course. They have more interesting things to look at, like Chewy putting on some type of Hazmat suit with Rhodie’s help. The members are dotted around the room, leaning on walls or the stainless steel workbench, watching Chewy attach something to a long chain hanging from the ceiling.
“What have you got in mind, Chewy?” Switch booms out. The big red head is almost the polar opposite to me. His voice is like a foghorn compared to my much quieter tone.
“Chinese drip torture. Although we don’t have days to wait, so I’m going to speed it up a little. I just need to wait for my beautiful assistant.” Chewy gives a slightly unhinged grin. I look toward Rhodie, but he’s joined Judge, Tank, and Nitro on the couch in the corner.
I’m not sure who Chewy’s beautiful assistant is, but I take the time to observe my surroundings while we wait. I’m not sure if it’s my natural setting or whether living with the Death Riders has made me this way, but I’ve always preferred observing to joining in. You can tell a lot about a person by watching them when they think no one is looking. Taking a peek around the room, my eyes land on Wire. He’s one of the brothers leaning on the workbench. He has his ever present laptop open and I can’t quite tell what he’s watching from all the way over here, but I know it’ll be one of the many cameras he has around the clubhouse and the MC owned businesses in town. Sometimes I’ve noticed him watching a beautiful older black woman, but I’ve not asked him who she is. That is none of my business.
The door is kicked open, slamming against the wall before bouncing off, making us all jump.
“Don’t worry everyone, I have arrived!” A gruff voice sing songs. This is met with a mix of eye rolls, chuckles, and Marx cursing under his breath.
“Sorry we’re late. We had to wait for Pops to finish in the pantry.” Tav says in a tight voice.
“What the hell was he doing in the pantry?” Rhodie asks, frowning.