Page 32 of Wire
“Oh, Rosie’s is the diner in town. Great food there.” Pops says, smiling down at Debs.
“Oh, I’ve seen that place! We should go there one day!” She presses a kiss to Pops leathery cheek before moving on to work the room with her tray.
All three of us watch her for a beat before Pops spins around and steps right into Marx’s space.
“You shit stirring son of a bitch! You keep your fat trap shut, you hear me? Otherwise, I will permanently shut it for you.” He mean mugs Marx for a moment, which is hard to do when Marxis well over 6 feet tall and Pops is 100 years old. Somehow, he pulls it off.
“Wait, you’re not seeing the both of them, are you?” I ask. I like the old guy, but I love Mama Debs and I’m not down with him seeing two nice ladies at once.
Pops’ head snaps in my direction. “Of course I’m fucking not! Do I look like the type of motherfucker that would mess with a woman like that? I’m a fucking gentleman!” He huffs, gives me the stink eye, which shows me exactly where Jules gets that look from, shakes his head in disappointment and stalks off with his beer in his hand.
“That crazy old man is scary.” Takoda says, wiping down the bar top.
Marx and I share a look, and I try to hold in my smirk. This feels good. I can admit that sometimes I get a little obsessive about my job in the MC. But Remy drawing me out of my room to enjoy this with my MC family is what I needed.
The pocket with my phone in it vibrates at the same time Marx answers his phone. “Yeah?”
He stiffens, growls and then hangs up. His loud as fuck whistle has us stopping, all eyes glued to him. “We got a police team at the gate with a warrant to search the premises. Stay calm, do as you’re told, and don’t be fucking weird. Chewy, I’m looking at you.”
She waves her hand dismissively at him. Rhodie nods at Marx and pulls Chewy’s back flush to his front, wrapping his arms around her waist.
Marx turns my way, leaning in. “Call your mom Wire. We might need her.”
Nodding at my Pres, I press her quick dial number. “Hey Momma.”
Bracing myself for what is about to happen, I notice my men slowly corralling the women in our midst into the center of the room, creating a protective layer between them and whoever is about to burst through the doors.
A loud bang sounds out as around a dozen men storm inside. One in particular seems to be reveling in the power he has in this moment, getting in the men’s faces, shoving and being a fucking tool.
“Officer Martin! The MC is cooperating. But by all means, carry on with your little dog amongst big dogs act if you want to be written up for excessive force.”
Letting out a breath I didn’t even know I was holding, I thank whoever the fuck is in charge that the senior ranking officer tonight is Moss Davies, a guy I went to school with and who knows the MC well.
“Pres, sorry to interrupt what looks like a nice family evening.” Davies comes to a stop in front of me, waving a paper in his hand.
“Moss, I can’t say I’m happy to see you, but of all the people they could have sent, I’m glad it was you. Sheriff too busy?”
Moss tries to hide his smirk but I see it all the same. “He’s a very busy man. I think he’s at a charity dinner in Roxwell this evening.”
Figures. I have no idea how that fat fuck keeps his position. Moss runs most of the policing in our town and the bordering smaller towns.
“What have you got for me?”
“Well, besides that asshole Martin, I have a warrant here allowing us to search the premises -”
“- You know full well we don’t get into any illicit substances, let alone weapons.”
“Oh, I know that. That’s not what we’re looking for. A body was found on the edge of the towing yard. Does this woman look familiar at all? Maybe came to one of your parties? Needed her car fixed? Anything?”
He holds up his phone, the picture of a beautiful black woman. She’s smiling wide, colorful braids up in a ponytail. Its a fucking shame that the light in her eyes has been snuffed out. My eyes raise to Moss’s as I shake my head.
“No, I’ve never seen her around, I’d remember her. She’s stunning.”
Moss nods, looking down at his phone. He heaves a breath before looking at me again.
“Looks like she was raped and beaten, a belly full of drugs. Because it’s on MC land, we have a warrant to search all your properties, businesses and compound, starting here tonight. We’ll liaise for access to the others tomorrow. The search is for any belongings or trace of this woman and backups of your video surveillance.”