Page 33 of Wire
Running a hand down my face, I can feel my blood pressure rising. Not because of Moss, but because of the whole fucked up situation. We’ve had two fucking shootouts at our clubhouse recently and yeah, we may not have neighbors, but we live ina nosey as fuck town. No one called the police then did they? Someone phones in about a body and we’re swarmed.
“Fuck. Moss, you know we didn’t do this.”
“Yeah, I know it’s well outside your MO. But we had a tip off and you know we have to follow up. My guess? You pissed someone off.” A snort escapes me. Yeah, we’ve pissed off a few someones. “Let me and my men do our jobs and we’ll be out of your hair as soon as.”
I tip my chin at him, and he barks orders at his men. He also sends one of his more senior officers with that Officer Martin, who I do not like the look of. Judging by the shitty look on his face, he doesn’t like it either. I make a note to have Wire look into him. Rose Grove PD has never had an issue with corruption, but I don’t trust the look on that dick’s face. He glares at me, holding my gaze as he walks through the doorway and down the long hall where all our rooms are. We sit calmly and quietly while Davies barks orders at his men. I have to hand it to him; he doesn’t like a mess. One douchebag tips up the cutlery drawer and Davies makes him put it all back in once he’s finished searching.
Officer Martin comes back, clearly not finding what he was hoping to find. Instead of standing down, however, he gets in the faces of our women. Ana is scowling at him, Remy is smiling pleasantly, and Chewy is staring through him. Pissed that he isn’t getting the response he’s after he gets in Debs’ face. She says something to him and he grabs her arm. She’s squirming in his grip and I can’t make out what he’s saying, but whatever it is, it has Pops coming down hard on him.
“You better let her the fuck go, young buck.” I can hear Pops sneer from here.
“Or what, old man? This woman,” he snarls, “has an illicit substance on her. She’s coming with me.”
“Let her the fuck go NOW!” Pops roars and then, in an impressive show of athleticism, hits him with one of the most technically beautiful right hooks I’ve had the chance to witness.
“Aw shit, Pops just knocked him on his ass!” My brothers, who until now had been sitting quietly, are watching with rapt attention as another officer tries to restrain Pops. Debs clearly feels the same about Pops as he does her, because as soon as this happens, she shoves Officer Martin away from her.
“Aue! You leave my man alone youTo Teke!” She launches herself on the back of the officer trying to restrain Pops who, for an old guy, can really hold his own. Pops has gotten out of the officer’s hold and has hit him at least twice already. I mean, there’s not really much the pig can do with Debs on his back. Both she and Pops are yelling, and I’m fairly certain Debs has bitten the offending officer.
Moss sighs deeply beside me. “You wanna help me with this?”
I give him a smirk and shake my head. However in the next moment that smirk slips right off my face as Officer Martin pulls out his gun and raises it to aim at Debs.
“Officer Martin! Bring a car around.” Moss storms toward him, eyeballing him until he holsters his gun. He keeps on eyeballing him until Martin leaves in a huff. “Ma’am, sir, I’m going to have to read you your rights and I’m afraid you’re coming with us.”
Both Pops and Debs spin to look at Sergeant Davies. Pops sizing him up. “You’re Flora’s boy, right?”
“Yes, sir,”
Pops squints at him before nodding. He lets go of the officer that he has by the scruff and Debs slowly slides off his back. Because she can sometimes be a sweet lady she straightens the officer’s collar before letting Pops take her hand, both of them walking through the common room toward the door withthe officer they were fighting following close behind. Looking toward the Tombs family I open my mouth to assure them we’ll have them out in no time, but, true to form the Tombs aren’t worried. Not even a little. They have their phones out and have been filming the whole thing.
“Tombs -”
“Don’t worry Marx. He’ll be loving this,” August cuts me off.
“Mum will be too. Getting arrested in America? We’ll never hear the end of it.” Ana beams. Fuck’s sake.
“Marx, search is over. Wire has sent through footage from all the cameras covering your businesses. My men will go through it and I’ll be in touch. I don’t need any more women turning up on your doorstep. Or mine.”
Nodding, I agree with him. Devil’s Rose MC actively works against all violence against women and children. Who the fuck put her on our doorstep?
“I may need to question some of your men, especially the ones that work and run the Main Street garage.”
“Then you’ll go through our lawyer,”
“Lemme guess, Candice Harvey?” I grin at him while he curses under his breath. “Great, I’ll look forward to her busting my balls.”
He holds my gaze for a moment, before breaking into a smile and offering me his hand. “Thanks for making this relatively painless, Johnny.”
“I’ve not been Johnny in a long time, Moss.”
“I know. And as much as I respect you and your position here as Pres, I still remember you as the star quarterback whose girlfriend I stole. The only time I ever got one over on you.”
I smirk at him before shaking my head. “How’d that work out for you?”
“She left me with a set of twins I couldn’t live without.”
“Sounds like it worked out well, then.” I slap him on his back a little too hard, and he smirks at me while walking out.