Page 51 of Wire
As I ride to the Devil’s Rose MC compound, I use the time to clear my head. I could have easily jumped on the back of Wire’s bike, held him close and breathed him in. But I earned this bike fair and square, so the ride is giving me time to come to terms with everything that’s happened. I was kidnapped. I got Jovie out of there all to learn that Hammer bought me when I was a child. I fought back against someone who scared the living crap out of me and harassed me most of my childhood. I spent a little time torturing him all to be found by my dad and Wire, who then reveals that this whole time he has not only been my perfect man plaguing my nights but also my best friend. All this time I’d been flip flopping between wanting Wire and feeling like I was cheating on Mags when they were one and the same.
The wind through my hair seems to help with some of the shell shock, but heck, this is a lot to process. From the corner of my eye I can see Wire pulling level with me. I turn to face him, and the brilliant smile he gives me settles the turmoil whipping around inside of me. He sees me, he’s always seen me, just likeI have always seen him. Pulling into the compound, I just know that everything will be alright.
I idle on Snake’s, no, my bike until Wire parks his, then I park up next to him. We both dismount and stand facing each other, the toes of his big shit kicker boots touching the toes of my sensible, black wedge shoes. Looking down, I take in our feet and let out a giggle. Tipping my head to look at Wire, I can see that he’s noticed the same thing I have. He looks at me and we both share goofy smiles.
“Fuck, is it bad that I don’t know what to call you anymore? You’re my Retta, but you’re also Remy.”
I shrug. “I’m probably going to call you Wire to your face. But you’ll always be Mags or Maggie in my messages.”
His eyes narrow. “You know I’ve always hated that.”
“Yeah, I know,” I grin even wider at his disgruntled look before frowning. “You’re not disappointed, are you? That I’m Retta?”
He cups my face in his large hands. Somehow they seem rough even though I know he works on a computer all day.
“Before I found out, I was all twisted up. Retta has my heart, but Remy was quickly worming her way in there. To find out that you’re the same person, that the different things I loved about both women were actually wrapped in the one, it was like all my Christmases come at once.”
He steals the space between us by covering my lips with his, nibbling at my mouth until I groan, wanting more, wanting everything.
“Soon baby. I want you in my bed, where I can love on you all night.” He pulls away and then pecks me once more. “But first, there’s a little girl in there waiting for Miss Remy and two surly bastard Pres’s looking for answers.”
I groan before taking a deep breath, pulling back my shoulders and start walking toward the door. Before I can reach for the handle, Wire pulls me to a stop.
“First, I gotta know. When did you become such a badass?” His lips curl as I roll my eyes.
“These past two months with DRMC have shown me I can be opinionated and strong and still be me. So when those assholes -” Wires brows shoot up at my cursing, “took me, something snapped. I was no longer content to just go with the flow and be invisible. Then they told me they were selling Jovie, and I was pissed. I’m going to bring them all down.”
Wire adjusts his erection and I get a little thrill that I did that to him. He throws his arm over my shoulders and then we step through the door to be met with the sounds and smell of home.
“Remyetta! Holy shit, I saw you riding that hog on the cameras, you looked like a total bad bitch! Also, whose blood is that?” Chewy yells at me in excitement before stopping in her tracks, tilting her head at the blood covering my top.
“Snake’s,” I answer and then watch as her wide eyes scrunch up because of her wide grin.
“Fuck yes,” she whispers at me before stepping forward and awkwardly patting my shoulder.
“Move, Dayz,” Ana says before pulling me into her embrace.
I hug her back, before turning to look at the next people in line wanting to hug me.
“Nat! Sunny!”
“Fuck yeah girl, there was no way I was going to let Savage leave our asses behind when our girl was out there on her own.” Tears well up at Nat’s words and I hug her before falling into my sister’s embrace.
“You OK Rem?” she gently asks as she wipes the happy tears from my cheeks.
“Yeah. I’m perfect.”
“So’s your man,” she smiles at me before tipping her head at Wire, who only has eyes for me.
We share heart eyes until I hear my name being squealed “Miss Remy!”
Spinning, I look for the little tornado that stole my heart. Crouching low, I wrap Jovie up and hold her tight while she whimpers against me. I soothe her until her body grows heavy and her breaths even out.
“She wouldn’t sleep until Mr. Wire saved you,” Debs says, brushing the hair out of Jovie’s face. “Do you want me to take her?”
“No, I want to hold her a little longer, if that’s OK?”
Debs’ smile softens even more. “Anything you want, baby girl.” With that, she kisses me on the forehead like I always wished my mom would have when I was little.