Page 52 of Wire
Wire pulls a chair out for me and I take a seat with Jovie on my lap.
“Right people, we have our Remy back and scumbags to fuck up. Remy, tell us what you know.”
Nodding my head, I take a deep breath, blow it out, and then go through exactly what happened and what was said. I could feel Wire grow more and more tense when Hammer selling Jovie and buying me was mentioned, but he kept his temper in check.
That’s not what I’m concerned about, though. What I’m worried about is what happens after this. When we go to his room, will we make love and then I’ll fall asleep while he spends hours brooding and running himself ragged in front of this computer? Will he start watching everyone more than he does now?
Now that I know that Wire is Mags, I understand his behavior better. I understand how his PTSD rules him most days, even if he doesn’t see it himself.
Well, I’ll just have to distract him with my body then, won’t I? I snort at my little joke, knowing full well that I’m a virgin and he’s a man whore. A moment of unease unfurls in my belly, thinking that I won’t please him, but then I remember I know this man better than anyone. I have all the hacks to make Wire happy, and I will make sure I use every one.
“DRMC and Death Riders, I’m calling church for 10am tomorrow morning. Savage, Roman, Gus and I will come up with our next steps. We have Snake now trussed up in the back shed. Thanks Flack,” Dad tips his chin and grunts at Marx. “We have Jovie’s dad to find and end. We have a little girl we need to keep safe somehow, and we have Hammer to find, all without drawing heat from the police. Especially that Officer Martin dickhead. It’s a fucking shitshow and we’re all in the middle of it. Get some rest.” Marx gives a nod and everyone disperses.
Debs comes and takes Jovie from me, telling me she can sleep on the little pullout bed in Debs’ and Pops’ room tonight. I want to fight with her, but her gaze flicks to Wire and then back to me before raising her brows. I can feel my cheeks heat, especially when Sunny snorts and laughs at me.
“We’ll catch up tomorrow, OK Rem? I want all the goss! When you left, you were an L7 Weenie. Now you’re a badass who almost cusses and you beat and stabbed a man.” Sunny waggles her brows before pulling me in tight and whispering in my ear, “Fucking proud of you, little sis.”
She kisses my cheek and steps back so Nat can repeat the same thing. Looks like I’m having a girls’ day tomorrow.
“Come on baby, I’m exhausted and I need to hold you.” Wire takes my hand in his and we walk hand in hand to his control center.
Stepping over the threshold, he looks at his computers with longing, and I just know that he won’t settle until he checks on everyone.
“Do your checks. I’m going to get in the shower. Wash Snake off me,”
His eyes darken for a moment before he nods and pats my ass. Before I get all the way into the bathroom, he hands me one of his shirts and I almost squee like a little girl. Grinning big at each other, we at least try to play it cool. Well, I do, until the bathroom door closes behind me and I dance around like a little girl, all the while muffling my happy squeals in the shirt that smells like the man I’ve spent over half my life falling for.
I’m a fucking loser. My girl, the one I’ve been wanting, is within my grasp, soaping herself up in the shower and I’m here. My big ass sat in my ergonomic chair thinking about checking my cameras.
Roughly rubbing my hands over my face I decide fuck it, Chewy and my brothers are all in the compound. The Death Riders and Bratva are all here. I’m sure they can cope for one night without my eyes on everything.
Pushing myself out of my chair before I have second thoughts and start logging on to my cameras, I gently twist the handle on the door and push it open. Remy is dancing around on her tiptoes. My shirt scrunched in her hands in front of her face, her eyes closed, and a weird muffled scream coming out of her.
“Fuck baby, are you OK?” I immediately go toward her and am stopped by a punch to the gut.
Air rushes out of me and Remy’s wide, light blue eyes stare at me wildly.
“Oh my god, oh my god are you alright?” She pats me, my shirt forgotten on the ground.
“I’m OK, are you OK? You were screaming when I came in.”
A blush creeps up her neck until it blooms across her cheeks. Her eyes dart everywhere as she chews her lip until I’m forced to cradle her face, my thumb pulling her lip from between her teeth.
“Talk to me, Rem. You know you can tell me anything.”
Her gaze settles on mine. She swallows before whispering, “It seems different when you’re right here in front of me. Online, I could write whatever I wanted, and I never had to see your reaction. Now I can.”
“How do you think I’ll react to whatever you’re going to tell me?”
Twisting her lips, she lets out a sigh. “I think you’ll think I’m a dork.” She tips her head up to the ceiling before letting out a huff. “I was sniffing your shirt and dancing, because it smells like you and I like the way you smell and you’re like, myboyfriendnow. It’s a lot, OK?”
By the time she tips her head forward to look at me, she has a frown on her cute face that makes me smile. She looks even more disgruntled, and I can’t help the grin that grows on my face until she rolls her eyes and I let out a laugh.
“Babe. Retta. Remy. I already know you’re a dork. You play Shadow Wrath. You want to go to Comic Con dressed as your troll avatar. Speaking of dress ups, you dress as Where’s Waldo for Halloween most years because it makes you laugh. You love Dad jokes and you think I’m the coolest person ever. None of that makes me want you less. In fact, I think it makes me want you more knowing that you’re so excited to be my girlfriend that you’ll dance in a steamy room sniffing my shirt.”
She stares up at me, a smile playing on the corners of her lips. “Your girlfriend, huh?”