Page 6 of Wire
“Everyone, as you know, we’re welcoming Flack’s daughter into the fold to learn from the very best, Wire and Chewy.”
“Just show us my new vagina, Marx, sheesh,” Chewy mumbles under her breath. I watch Rhodie’s head snap down to stare at her, but she’s oblivious.
“Remy is special to us, so we are trusting you with her. Take care of her.” Savage’s comment leaves no argument as he stares at Marx for a beat, the two of them coming to some sort of unspoken agreement.
They both nod and then Savage turns and whispers something to Flack. Flack turns, and a blonde woman steps out from behind him.
She’s taller than Chewy, which isn’t hard given that Chewy is fucking tiny. I’d put her at about 5’5. Her straight blonde hair reaches her jawline, with bangs hanging in her eyes behind the glasses resting on her button nose. She has a heart shaped face and smooth creamy skin. She’s beautiful in an innocent, sweet way.
From my research, I know she’s a children’s librarian, and she’s dressed exactly as I would imagine. The usual boringlibrarian attire, but more colorful. Conservative and a little dowdy. All topped off with a book shaped brooch pinned to her ample chest.
“Hi, um, I’m Remy,” she whispers out.
I’m not sure what we expected, but it was not this woman. This small, timid, whispery woman somehow grew up on the compound of a 1% MC. It just doesn’t seem to compute. Well, not to us. Chewy, on the other hand, has bounced over and started info dumping about vaginas and hacking. Remy has a shocked look on her face, but she smiles and nods at Chewy anyway.
“Rhodie!” Marx whisper shouts, gesturing at his brother’s girl. Rhodie just sighs, then grips Chewy around the waist, lifting her and carrying her back to where he was standing.
“Right, well, welcome Remy. You’ll be with Wire -” I step forward, giving her a two finger wave and smiling to make her feel a little more comfortable. Her gaze swings toward me and I’m startled by her eyes. At first glance, she didn’t seem to resemble Flack at all. Now though, I see she has his icy blue eyes, framed by sooty brows and lashes, that seem to be out of place with her pale skin and dirty blonde hair. “- and Chewy. The tiny woman yapping at you before.” She blinks owlishly at me for a moment before looking at Chewy, who is doing her big goofy wave.
“Hi,” she smiles and waves back.
I hope this woman had a louder voice hidden away somewhere because there’s no way we’ll ever hear her otherwise.
“OK, well, the prospects have all your shit, so I’ll get Chewy to show you to your room, and then around the compound while I meet with your Pres and Dad, OK?” I notice Marx has gentled his voice so as not to scare her. She nods up at him and Chewy barges past me to get to Remy. For a woman who until recentlyhad very few friends, she now takes to new people as if she’s on a personal mission to befriend as many as possible.
“Great. Another person to share my woman with,” Rhodie grumbles next to me.
“Don’t be a pussy. It’ll be good for Chewy to have a girlfriend. I mean, what if she wants to talk about pe-” Before he can even finish his taunt, Rider starts gagging.
“That joke backfire on you, brother?” I smirk over at him while Rhodie has a big grin on his face.
“What was that you were saying, brother? When Chewy wants to talk about…. Periods?” Rhodie says the word period loud enough to be heard over Rider’s gagging, which makes him gag even more violently.
“Eurgh - fuck off! - eurgh” Rider stumbles out of the room as me, Rhodie, Fox, Nitro, and Switch all laugh our asses off.
“He’s still upset after Chewy went into detail about her IUD,” Rhodie chuckles.
“Who the fuck gave Chewy explosives?”
I squint at Fox for a moment before Switch practically yells in his face.
“IUD contraceptive, you dumb ass! You shouldn’t be fucking if you don’t know that.” With a disgusted look on his face, he stomps over to the bar, leaving the rest of us to taunt Fox.
“Right, better get back to it before Chewy shows Remy around my control center. There are rules for how things need to be done. And no offense, brother, but your woman isn’t interested in any rules other than her own.”
Rhodie doesn’t even answer, he just smiles softly when he thinks of his woman. I would tease him, but it’s good to see two people I love, happy. Clapping him on the shoulder on my way past, I head back to the room I spend the bulk of my time in. If I’m not here, I’m in the gym or the common room. It’s a pretty small existence, but it’s what I needed after getting out ofarmy intelligence. Posted to the team Rhodie led, I was in charge of feeding them info in real time. After too many missions, I needed to see some good in the world. Coming home to my mom and sisters, and then joining DRMC helped me get out of my head.
My ass just hits the leather of my seat when Chewy swans in, Remy following behind, standing awkwardly in the room.
“Hey, I set you up a workspace. You’re in between me and Chewy.”
Her eyes get large and a blush stains her cheeks.
“Oh wow, thank you so much. You really didn’t have to. I would have been fine with my laptop,” she looks around my room before pointing to a random swivel chair in the corner, “Over there. I could sit there. I don’t want to be any trouble.” She wrings her hands, and I can see she’s getting uncomfortable by the way Chewy is staring.
Before I can say anything, Chewy starts up. “Why would you think you were trouble? And why would you sit all the way over there? You can’t learn if you can’t see. Take a seat.” She waves at the chair between us and Remy creeps, literally creeps, over to her workstation. She gingerly takes a seat before letting out a breath and giving me and Chewy a smile. Yet again I’m left wondering how the fuck this woman was raised on an MC compound.
“You’re really shy for an MC kid, huh? Like, I would have expected you to be like Rhodie and Marx. They’re MC kids. Oh and Rider, huh Wire?” Chewy finishes her sentence by gesturing to me, but not making eye contact as it “wigs her out”.