Page 7 of Wire
“Oh, um, well, I guess I was happy just to read or play games on my laptop. My sister did a lot of the talking for me, or my dad.”
“Close to your dad, huh? Cool, cool.” I try not to chuckle at Chewy’s small talk. I know she’s trying and Remy is nice enough to engage with her.
“Yeah, I love my dad. He’s one of my best friends, but I guess all dads are like that.”
“Dunno. Mine was murdered.”
Remy looks mortified, and her panicked gaze swings to mine. I shrug. “I can’t help you there. Mine left when I was 13.”
She starts wringing her hands again. “I’m sorry.”
“Bah, not your fault. You didn’t murder my dad or make Wire’s bail.” Chewy waves her off as if it’s nothing. Remy’s eyes get huge and I want to see what she does to get out of this situation. Mainly because living here and working this closely with Chewy, there will be many more of these types of situations. Her eyes dart everywhere but to me and Chewy and I watch her swallow a couple of times before deciding what to do next.
“Well, um, shall we do this then?” She gestures toward her computer and Chewy nods emphatically.
I smile at her. “Stick with us kid, we’ll show you all you need to know.”
I want to die. Or at the very least, have the earth swallow me up. I’d even take being abducted by aliens at this point. Big blue ones with vibrating peens. Not even half an hour in and I’ve put my foot in it. Luckily for me, Tuesday, or “Chewy” as herproperty cut states, seems to take this all in her stride. She is a highly unusual woman and I’m wondering if she may be on the Autism spectrum. I have had enough kids with ASD visit me at the library to recognize the signs.
I didn’t only make the faux pas with her dad, but also with Wire’s. Ugh. I want to slap my own face. He was nice, though; he didn’t make me feel bad. Just smiled at me. And what a smile it is, holy moly.
When I first walked into the common room, I faced a wall of hotness. I don’t know what they’re feeding the men in Rose Grove but butter my buns and call me Sadie; they are hot with a capital H. Far more impressive than where I came from, although that could be purely because these men are younger and I didn’t grow up with them.
Marx, the DRMC Pres, made the quick introductions, and if I can remember them correctly, there was Rhodie, Chewy’s Ol Man. He’s also the enforcer and Marx’s blood brother. Then there was Rider, the SAA, Judge, the road captain, Tank, and Sniper. I met Switch, the MC medic when Chewy showed me to his clinic room, and Fox and Nitro in the garage out back. There are a few others I’m yet to meet. Squeak lives in town with his wife and kids and isn’t as active a member as the others, and Mad Dog, Rhodie and Marx’s father is travelling around with his Ol Lady. Chewy said that the ones that are here make up the bulk of the MC. Well, them and the man sitting beside me.
When Wire stepped forward and gave me a two-fingered wave, I almost swooned. This man, wooowee! Tall, broad, and so very handsome. His brown skin almost shimmered under the fluorescent lighting of the common room, and his hazel eyes shone with intelligence. It’s the only way to describe him. If that wasn’t enough, the man’s hair is beautiful. Dark brown, shaved close on the sides and longer ringlets on top that were pulledback with a band. He is breathtakingly beautiful. He is also nice, which is a double whammy of hotness.
I shake my head and try to concentrate. I’m here to learn. Although that won’t stop me panic messaging Saint_Margarita, or Mags, as I like to call him, to tell him about my mortification.
We’ve messaged every day since we met playing Shadow Wrath. He’s my best friend and has been since I was 13 years old. We know each other’s deepest darkest secrets, which some might find odd given that we’ve never met or even spoken in real life, but I don’t care. Chatting to Mags is like confession. The faceless person on the other side doesn’t judge me on my looks or behavior. Just like I don’t judge him. I’ve heard enough bad sex and crazy girlfriend stories over the years to last me a lifetime. Likewise, he knows all about my failed prom night and my overprotective uncles.
“So, once you’re set up, we can get into the security crap. We’ve run background on you and you’ve passed, but as you know, you may deal with some sensitive stuff, so you need to be aware of that.” I nod at Chewy and try to ignore the fact that she’s staring at my nose. I’m guessing she doesn’t like eye contact too much.
“Marx wouldn’t have let you come here if you were a risk, Remy. Me and Chewy just like to know that whatever we come across here is kept tight, you got me?” Wire’s smooth voice rolls over me and I can feel myself blush again.
“Yup, got it. I grew up with a 1% club. Trust me, I know how to keep my mouth shut. Unless you’re concerned I’ll be telling all your secrets to the little kids of Rose Grove. They’re the only friends I’ll have anytime soon.” I smile at my bad joke, and relax a little when Wire smiles back at me.
“Don’t worry. We’re friends now. I’ll plan a girls night for us in the next few days once I figure out what that entails,” Chewy says in her matter-of-fact voice. Shocked by this, I catch Wire’ssmirk as he shakes his head and taps away at his keyboard. Well, okay then. Looks like I’m having a girls night.
“Knock knock,” a gruff voice sounds out and all three of us spin in our chairs to see Marx step into the room. His big body fills up the space. “Hey Remy, the Death Riders are about to head off if you want to say goodbye,” I smile up at the huge man before looking back at Wire, who gives me a head tip.
Getting to my feet I head back the way I came, only stopping to let Fox and Nitro pass me in the hall. I think those two must be best friends or something. They seem to always be together. I would have thought they wererelated or blood brothers were it not for the fact that Fox is taller, lean and blonde, to Nitro’s shorter, stocky and dark.
Stepping into the common room, I see my dad leaning toward Savage, a frown on his face, before Savage grips his shoulder and nods in my direction. I’ve always hated interrupting them in the middle of business, so instead of moving straight away I wave to them both, then slowly walk toward them. Obviously, whatever has gone on has passed as my dad meets me in the middle of the room, sweeping me up into his big arms.
“You be good, Remy girl. Call me every night to tell me what you learned.” His gruff voice rumbles through him.
I roll my eyes and wait for Dad to put me back on my feet before agreeing to anything.
“Dad, I’m 28. I’ll be fine. But you call me if you need anything or can’t find your glasses. Also, tell Sunny to call me. And you be good! Stay out of trouble, otherwise I’ll drive back to Roxwell and kick your behind!”
Dad just smirks down at me, before dropping a kiss to the top of my head and wrapping me in his bear hug once more.
“Love you Remy girl,”
“Love you too, Dad.” We let each other go and I walk them all out, before waving them off in the cloud of dust. Turning back into the room, I’m faced not with a wall of biker hotness, but what seems to be a wall of bunnies.